Trampoline 1 of 12: Introduction
Published by Mark BodnarThis next series of posts is aimed at the current participants in our RADIUS Trampoline Business Model Validation Program, but the information will be useful to anyone who is in the early stages of a project involving secondary market research.
Even if you aren't researching the same topics as the Trampoliners, you might benefit from working through the steps and strategies covered in these posts.
Your Goal: The current RADIUS Trampoline cohort is developing initial business cases for some innovative ways to remove the barriers – financial, time, physical, logistical – that keep more Canadians from enjoying Canada's stunningly beautiful (and healthy) outdoors.
This Trampoline cohort is online and dispersed throughout Canada. Moreover, most of the participants are not currently registered students at SFU (or at other schools, I believe). As a result, I'm going to focus on freely available resources in this series of posts. If you are not in this cohort and are an SFU student using this series to learn about secondary market research, be sure to also stop by the library to learn about our many licensed databases.
My Goal: My focus is on helping the researchers in this cohort be efficient & effective in their secondary research. That is, I hope to help them learn how to quickly find (and recognize!) relevant resources.
Along the way, we will cover...
- Step one: Ask good questions
- Step two: Ask broader questions
- Step three: Predict likely publishers
- Step four: Evaluate information
- Wrap-up
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