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Trampoline 6 of 12: Publishers - Government sources

Published by Mark Bodnar

Table of contents of this post series. Links back to first post.<This series of posts is aimed at the current RADIUS Trampoline cohort – but will be of use to anyone learning to do secondary market research. Click on the table of contents to go to the first post.>

Government agencies at all levels – from cities & provinces all the way up to countries and intergovernmental organizations such as the UN or the World Health Organization – are concerned with the economic and physical wellbeing of citizens in their jurisdictions. 

That means that if you need information on anything from the leisure habits of Albertans to the number of people with physical disabilities in Canada, a government agency is likely to have both collected and published the data… and there’s a good chance that they’ve published it for free!

chart showing the major publisher types for market research: governments, associations, companies, private researchers, academics, and news

I’ll list below a few examples of the sorts of information found via governmental agencies. 

I'm focusing here on resources that seem likely to be relevant to an "access to nature" theme in hopes that they will be useful for the Trampoline 2018 participants.

Federal level

Statistics Canada 

Public Health Agency of Canada: Healthy Living

Also: the Canadian government often commissions private research firms (Environics, Ekos, Decima, NRG, etc.) to conduct public opinion research on their behalf.  The results are generally published via this portal: Public Opinion Research Reports (PORR) 

Provincial level


Alberta: Alberta Recreation Survey 

City level

Ville de Montréal: Sports and physical activities 

City of Vancouver: 

MetroVancouver:  Regional Outdoor Recreation Opportunities Study - Phase One Demand Analysis Report

Other regions

** Learn from the experiences of others!

California: Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 

Ireland (Heritage Council): Children and the Outdoors - Contact with the outdoors and natural heritage among children aged 5 to 12: Current trends, benefits, barriers and research requirements  


biodivcanada.ca  (federal, provincial and territorial working group on biodiversity):  

World Health OrganizationUrban green spaces: a brief for action

UNICEF Canada: My Cat Makes Me Happy: What Children and Youth Say about Measuring their Well-being

line drawing of a person speaking on a megaphoneAgain, these are just samples that came up in my initial searches. 

You know your topic best, and I’m sure that you will be able to guess which of your brainstormed questions might be answered by some level of a government.  In many cases you may also be able to predict which specific agency will have the treasures you need.  

Save time – go straight to the source!

We're just warming up!  The next "likely publisher" category is >> Associations

Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian

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