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Marketing Tanzanian tourism

Published by Mark Bodnar

Our BUS 447 (Global Marketing Management) students will be working on projects that involve the amazing United Republic of Tanzania this term, with a focus on Tanzania's tourism industry.

I've compiled a brief list of relevant sources to support that class... and I thought I'd share it here in case others are interested in such topics.

About Africa

African Development Bank
"The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction." Start with their Statistics, Publications, and Countries pages (e.g., Tanzania), but be sure to explore further as this site is a gold mine for researchers. The AfDB also produces the Africa Tourism Monitor.

Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa
Start with their Reports and Publications to learn about initiatives across the continent.

World Bank - Africa
Reports and data at a continental and country level.

Open Data for Africa
Start with the Tanzania At A Glance page for key infographics, but also visit their Data Portal, esp. the section listing datasets on Tanzania.

About Tanzania

Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

Country Commercial Guide - Tanzania
Detailed and recent report prepared by the US government. Addresses major topics ranging from market entry strategies to trade barriers.

Tanzania: Current Issues and U.S. Policy
US Congressional Research Service report (June 2017) with a detailed overview of the political and economic environment topics of Tanzania. The CRS has also published many other reports on Africa that might be of interest. 

Tanzania - AfDB
The landing page for Tanzania at the African Development Bank collects all of the relevant AfDB reports, studies, videos and other resources into a single site. For instance, see their Tanzania Economic Outlook.  Also check out the Tanzania page in the AfDB's Project Data portal.

World Bank - Tanzania
A wealth of data, research, and project reports. Don't miss their Human Capital working paper about Tanzania. 

GlobalGiving - Explore Projects in Tanzania
Many NGOs are running international development projects in Tanzania and surrounding countries. This site will help you understand what is already happening in the country, as well as highlight potential partners and gaps. 

Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) 
Many of the Chamber's reports seem to be a bit dated, but they do provide a good list of links to other business-focused organizations, any of which could have publications and data relevant to your needs.

UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - Tanzania
The main source for official statistics and reports on progress toward the SDGs.

IGC: International Growth Center
This organization conducts research on many developing countries, including Tanzania. Remember to think broadly when scanning reports -- something on a different industry/topic may still help you understand trends and issues in your target industry, and reports on nearby countries will likely help you understand the regional context. For example, here's an IGC report on tourism value chains in East Africa.

CountryWatch: Tanzania Country Review
Annual report containing "geographical, political, economic, corporate, & environmental information on Tanzania."

Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) tool - Tanzania
This site, hosted by the World Food Programme, features "baseline information about the logistics capacity of countries" including a detailed assessment of all modes of transportation (e.g., road network) and links to relevant reports and government agencies.


African Business
Start with the articles about Tanzania, but definitely read more broadly to understand the continental context. 

The Citizen
Daily Tanzanian newspaper with many articles about tourism

The Daily News
Government-run daily newspaper. The search function doesn't appear to work smoothly, so you could try a Google "inurl" search like this one: tourism

SFU Library database with hundreds of publications from Africa. See this screen capture for tips on how to select a subset of Factiva's publications for your search.


World Tourism Organization (UN)
The UNWTO offers a tourism data dashboard, huge amounts of information on sustainable development and tourism, and much more.

Articles and chapters via the SFU Library
Topics such as Tanzania and tourism and sustainable tourism are very well covered in academic articles and books, most of which are available remotely. See, for example, these articles: 

Local associations: There are many relevant industry associations within Tanzania, but I encountered quite a few broken links and sparse pages in my initial searches. I'll list a few sites below that seemed more stable than others. Always check for member lists, industry news, and reports.

World Travel & Tourism Council
The WTTC doesn't have a lot of information on Tanzania specifically, but it does provide reports on topics such as the tourism perspective on the SDGs, as well as country/region data and other publications.

Brooking's Institute report on Africa's Tourism Potential

Tourism Development in the East Africa Community Region: Why Is Tourism Development a Shared Agenda Among Only Some EAC Countries?
PhD dissertation from 2019 found via PQDT Open. Speaking of dissertations and theses, check out this one, this one, and this one... 

Recent ebooks on tourism and sustainable development
The link above will take you to a pre-run search for ebooks in our collection from the last 5 years on this topic, many of which focus on developing countries. Look for experiences and advice from other countries/regions that you can apply to your situation.


This last group of links is a gift to those who have read this far down in my post...

Oxford Business Group
The OBG offers analysis on many aspects of Tanzania, including a detailed 2018 report (see: chapter on tourism). Most of their articles and interviews are freely available. Also try this link to a pre-set search in NexisUni covering many OBG publications as well as an "AllAfrica Web Publications" file.

The US Agency for International Development has special programs in place to help countries such as Tanzania, and those programs often generate detailed and useful reports.  For instance, this section on Economic Growth and Trade features many stories that could help you understand the country's context.

The Economist magazine
The Economist often provides highly readable news and analysis of countries, including Tanzania

Harvard Think Tank Search tool 
This simple search tool unearths reports from think tanks around the world. For instance, see this 2015 Brookings Institute report: Tourism In Tanzania: The Elephant In The Room and this recent CSIS article on Tanzania's COVID-19 response. Start with this rough search.

Start with Statista's Country Outlook for Tanzania, but also search more broadly. Be sure to follow the links to original sources; for instance, this chart on the travel and tourism competitiveness index in sub-Saharan countries leads to this WEF report.

This SFU Library database includes extremely detailed demographic and economic information for every country in the world, often with forecasts. It also has analysis on many consumer markets -- including Tanzania! Here are a few examples of the reports available: 

  • Travel in Tanzania (2019)
  • Sustainability: Tanzania (2020)
  • Business Dynamics: Tanzania (2020)
  • Tanzania in 2040: The Future Demographic (2020)
  • Retailing in Tanzania (2020)

line drawing of a person holding a light bulb

If these resources don't have what you need, check out my broader "International Marketing" guide.


Questions? You're not alone -- email me!

-- Mark
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian


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