Student Learning Commons: Conversation Partners Program

Conversation Partners Program

Join the Conversation Partners Program today!  Register now for a spot and choose between virtual Zoom sessions or in-person meetings on campus. Enhance your language skills, explore diverse cultures, and make lifelong connections. Don't miss out, sign up now!


Current undergraduate and graduate Simon Fraser University students, who speak English as second or an additional or language are eligible. Registration is open year-round.

How to register

Ready to take your language skills to the next level? Registering for the Conversation Partners Program is quick and easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill out the registration form below to secure your spot. Remember, spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!
  2. You will receive an email from one of our team members with detailed instructions on how to book your conversation partner. We'll guide you through the process, making it hassle-free and convenient.
  3. In case all available spots are taken, head on over to our Talk & Connect program for a 30 or 60-minute interaction with a student volunteer. You can simply drop in or book a consultation. 
  4. Check out our other fantastic options for you to practice your English conversation. Consider joining our interactive small-group weekly discussions, where you can still sharpen your skills and meet fellow language enthusiasts.
  5. Enjoy your meetings!

 Registration form

Are you a current SFU student?
This service is only available to registered SFU students. Non-SFU students, including visiting scholars, post doctorate students and FIC students are not eligible.
Undergraduate or Graduate
Meeting preference
If all Conversation Partners are booked, would you like to be put on the waitlist?

By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have read and understood, and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions for Conversation Partners.


The Conversation Partners program is for English as an Additional Language (EAL) undergraduate and graduate Simon Fraser University students who wish to be paired with a student volunteer to practice and improve their conversational English.

Meeting times are one hour per week. These meetings are informal and will provide an opportunity for you to practice your spoken English, as well as for both participants to share social and cultural perspectives.

Your commitment:

By signing up, you are making a commitment to meet your Conversation Partner every week (excluding statutory holidays) for one hour for the duration of the semester and to be on time for your meetings.

Please notify and arrange with your Partner regarding any changes to location or time. If you miss any meetings without notifying your partner or if you cancel a meeting with your partner within less than 5 hours prior to the start time more than 3 times during the same term, you may forfeit your opportunity to continue in the program.

Please note:

  • Each student must currently be registered at Simon Fraser University.
  • The Conversation Partners program begins each semester. Priority will be given to new students.
  • Writing or additional academic assistance is not part of this program, and it is not permitted under the terms of this agreement.
  • Please direct any suggestions or concerns to Dr. Timothy Mossman, EAL Services Coordinator, Student Learning Commons at

1The Conversation Partner program has been adapted from the University of Guelph’s Conversation Partners program and McMaster University‘s Speakeasy Program.

Consultations are confidential and will be managed in accordance with BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information on this website is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165). It is related directly to and needed by the University for services provided by the Student Learning Commons. The information will be used to maintain a record of consultation with Student Learning Commons staff. If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information please contact the University Librarian and Dean of Libraries, at 778-782-3265 or

In using these services, you hereby acknowledge and agree that SFU may, in accordance with applicable privacy legislation, contact and release your personal information to your designated emergency contact, in the event that you become seriously physically or mentally ill, are involved in an emergency, or in the event of emergencies or mental health concerns posing a risk to your safety or the safety of others.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), SFU permits information to be shared with relevant authorities, professionals, and SFU employees, if such disclosure relates directly to and is necessary for fulfilling the requirements of their role, to ensure prompt assistance and address the situation effectively. This is especially important when the health or safety of an individual or community may be at risk. This information sharing is conducted with a commitment to privacy, limited to those who need to know, and prioritizes confidentiality.

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