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Selected encyclopedias and handbooks
Use encyclopedias, dictionaries and handbooks to obtain definitions and overviews of a topic and also to identify key authors.
- Encyclopedia of race and racism
- Encyclopedia of racism in American films
- Global encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) history
- Handbook of Racism, Xenophobia, and Populism: All Forms of Discrimination in the United States and Around the Globe
- Handbook of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations
- Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender
- Routledge handbook of ethnicity and race in communication
- Routledge handbook of indigenous wellbeing
- Routledge handbook of sport, race and ethnicity
- Routledge handbook of the ethics of discrimination
- Routledge Handbook on Native American Justice Issues
- Routledge international handbook of colorism
- Routledge international handbook of contemporary racisms
- Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies
- Routledge international handbook of Islamophobia
- Routledge International Handbook of Race, Class and Gender
- Transgender : a Reference Handbook
- Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Anti-racism, Black, racism, microagressions
Selected guides and online resources:
Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism
Statistics Canada. Aboriginal peoples, Gender diversity and inclusion statistics, Immigration and ethnocultural diversity, Sex of person (definitions)
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 years and counting
Canadian Race Relations Foundation: Surveys and research (on racism, including attitudes of Canadians)
American Sociological Association:
- Race and Racism in the United States: A Sociological Guide for the Public, produced by the ASA Task Force on the State of the Art in Sociological Scholarship on Race, offers critical understanding of race and racism and the importance of antiracism educational efforts for our national wellbeing.
Databases for journal articles
How to find journal articles tutorial.
What is a scholarly (or peer-reviewed) journal?
The databases below will provide articles on information technology and society. If the full-text of the article is not available, use the "Get@SFU" link to find it or to initiate an inter-library loan request.
- ProQuest Sociology Collection - for issues related to class, gender, racism, sexuality and sexism and theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science. For information of immigrants, racism, society, structural barriers, etc.
- Social Sciences Full Text Covers social science journals
- Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America - articles in scholarly journals and magazines
- Women's Studies International -- Main database for GSWS topics. Generally, start with this database and then search other databases.
- Academic Search Premier -- Multidisciplinary. Limit your search results to "Academic" or "Scholarly" sources.
- Political Science Complete - scholarly articles related to labour, migration, unions, policies and remittances
- CBCA Complete Canadian scholarly journal articles, trade publications, dissertations, books, newspapers and and magazines.
Find books in the Library
How to use the Library Catalogue [guide]
Search by topic, using Basic or Advanced Search. For known items it is best to use "Browse by title" search.
Try searching by keywords and then limit by "Subject" (left-hand column) and "Resource type" of "books":
Try searches such as
- (racis* OR racial* OR discrimin* OR stereotyp* OR hate OR harass* OR violen*) AND [name of group or ethnicity]
- (aborig* OR indigen*) AND (racis* OR racial* OR discrimin* OR stereotyp* OR hate OR harass* OR violen*)
- (aborig* OR indigen* OR native* OR indian*) AND (police OR policing OR criminal* OR justice) AND canad*
- (visible minorit* OR brown OR black) AND (racis* OR racial* OR discrimin* OR stereotyp* OR hate OR harass* OR violen*)
- (raci* OR discrim* OR stereotyp*) AND (employ* OR jobs OR labour OR labor) AND canad*
- (islamophob* OR islamaphob* OR racis* OR anti-islam* OR anti-asian* OR anti-muslim* OR anti-black) AND canad*
- (lgbt* OR lesbian* OR gay OR queer* OR homosex*) AND (raci* OR discrimin* OR bash* OR bully* OR violen*)
- diversity AND (racis* OR race OR racial*)
- (equity OR diversity OR inclusion) AND (black OR brown OR indigen* OR race OR ethni*)
- women AND (race OR racis*) AND canad*
- (race* OR Raci*) AND (sex work OR prostitut* OR commercial sex)
- (racis* OR hate OR harass* OR violen*) AND (pandemic OR covid) AND (asian Americ* OR asian Canadian* OR Chinese OR Japanese OR Filipino OR Korean)
- (pandemic OR covid) AND (asian Americ* OR asian Canadian* OR Chinese OR Japanese OR Filipino OR Korean)
- Results limited by selected subjects
- black lives matter
- racial profiling
- microagressions
- anti‐semiti*
- xenophob*
- systemic racis*
- (systemic OR institutional OR structural) AND (barrier* OR racism OR racial* OR discriminat* OR inequalit* OR inequit*)
- "racial literacy"
- "critical race theory"
- (Inter-Generational trauma OR generational trauma OR trans-generational trauma)
Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words
Note: For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")
Selected books:
- A space for race : decoding racism, multiculturalism, and post-colonialism in the quest for belonging in Canada and beyond [print]
- Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism in Research and Research Training : final report and recommendations
- Antiracism Inc: Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters
- Anti-Asian racism : myths, stereotypes, and Catholic social teachings
- Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Black life matter : blackness, religion, and the subject
- Black Lives Matter : from a moment to a movement [print]
- Blackness at the intersection : intersectionality and the black diaspora
- Brown skins, white coats : race science in India, 1920-66
- Burden of heritage : hauntings of generational trauma on black lives
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting
- Citizenship, race, and nationalism in contemporary English-Canadian newspaper representations of Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians
- Colonial racial capitalism
- Colour of democracy : racism in Canadian society [print]
- Colorblind Indigenous and Black Disproportionality Across Criminal Justice Systems
- Cost of racism for people of color : contextualizing experiences of discrimination
- Critical philosophy of race : essays
- Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory : And A New Critical Race Theory
- Dismantling Race in Higher Education Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy
- Economic woman : gendering inequality in the age of capital
- Employment equity in Canada : the legacy of the Abella report
- Fire now : anti-racist scholarship in times of explicit racial violence
- From #BlackLivesMatter to Black liberation
- Keetsahnak: our missing and murdered Indigenous sisters
- Looking at privilege and power
- Looking white people in the eye: gender, race, and culture in courtrooms and classrooms
- Making of Black lives matter : a brief history of an idea
- Marginality and Global LGBT Communities: Conflicts, Civil Rights and Controversy
- Necessary conversations : understanding racism as a barrier to achieving health equity
- New xenophobia
- Presumed incompetent : the intersections of race and class for women in academia [print]
- Producing and negotiating non-citizenship : precarious legal status in Canada [print]
- "Race" and ethnicity in Canada : a critical introduction [print]
- Race and racialization : essential readings [print]
- Race and racism in 21st-century Canada : continuity, complexity, and change [print]
- Racial profiling and human rights in Canada : the new legal landscape [print]
- Racial profiling in Toronto : discourses of domination, mediation, and opposition
- Racialized bodies, disabling worlds : storied lives of immigrant Muslim women [print]
- Racism and anti-racism in Canada [print]
- Racism, Eh? : a critical inter-disciplinary anthology of race and racism in Canada [print]
- Recognizing microaggressions
- Sex positivity and white-sex supremacy : ending complicity in Black body erasure
- Stories Whiteness Tells Itself : Racial Myths and Our American Narratives
- Race and racialization : essential readings [print]
- Race and racism in 21st-century Canada : continuity, complexity, and change [print]
- Racial profiling in Canada : challenging the myth of "a few bad apples" [print]
- Racial profiling : they stopped me because I'm [blank]!
- Re-imagining hate crime : transphobia, visibility and victimisation
- Researching race and ethnicity : methods, knowledge and power [print]
- Roots of racism : the politics of white supremacy in the US and Europe
- Stamped from the beginning : a graphic history of racist ideas in America [print]
- Summer of 2020 : George Floyd and the Resurgence of the Black Lives Matter Movement
- Surviving Canada : indigenous peoples celebrate 150 years of betrayal [print]
- Systemic racism in policing in Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security [2021]
- Teaching race in perilous times
- Theorizing anti-racism : linkages in Marxism and critical race theories [print]
- Trans Individuals Lived Experiences of Harm: Gender, Identity and Recognition
- Underserved communities and digital discourse : getting voices heard
- Unequal relations : an introduction to race, ethnic, and Aboriginal dynamics in Canada [print]
- Until We Are Free: Reflections on Black Lives Matter Canada
- Vertical mosaic : an analysis of social class and power in Canada
- White freedom : the racial history of an idea
- White men's law : the roots of systemic racism
- White riot : the 1907 anti-Asian riots in Vancouver [print]
- White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism
- Who's Black and why? : a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race
Browse subject headings for books
Browse by Subject (change the default "title" to "subject"). Browse by Subject will only result in books, not book chapters or journal articles.
- African Americans -- Civil rights
- [Name of group] -- Civil rights
- Anti-black racism
- British Columbia -- Race relations
- Canada - Race relations
- [Geographic region] -- Race relations
- Discrimination
- Discrimination in employment
- Equality -- Canada
- Gay rights
- Hate crimes
- Homophobia
- Minorities
- Race discrimination
- Race discrimination -- Canada
- Racial Discrimination
- Racism
- Racism - [name of country, province, state, etc.]
- Racism -- Canada
- Racism -- United States
- Racism against [name of group]
- Racism in higher education
- United States -- Race relations
Government documents and statistics
Statistics Canada
- (racial* OR racis*) AND (crime OR violen* OR harass* OR assault* OR discrim*)
- Violent victimization and perceptions of safety: Experiences of First Nations, Métis and Inuit women in Canada (85-002-X202200100004)
- Experiences of discrimination in daily life among Chinese people in Canada, and their perceptions of and experiences with the police and the justice system (85-002-X202300100005)
- Discrimination against Black people in Canada - Statistics Canada
- Infographic: Discrimination before and since the start of the pandemic (11-627-M2022021)
SUBJECT: Crime and justice
Library guides
- Developing a topic [video]
- Library Research Skills [interactive tutorial]
- Popular versus scholarly sources [video]
- What is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal?
- What is plagiarism? [guide]
- Evaluating sources
- How to Write an Annotated Bibliography
- More Tutorials