On this page
- Definitions and terminology
- Intercultural
- Diversity
- Differences between equity and equality
- Databases for journal articles and videos
- Intercultural communication and diversity training
- College and university -- creating inclusive classroom, curriculum and pedagogy
- Abilities, accessibility, ableism, disabilities
- Anti-racism, Black, racism, microagressions
- Gender and sexual identity
- Indigenous, decolonization
- International students
- Identifying works by diverse and indigenous scholars
- Experiential activities and games
- Videos on intercultural communication and EDI
- Selected journals
- K-12 intercultural communication and diversity
- Selected intercultural studies and diversity workshops, moocs, webinars, certificates and degrees
- Government information
- Special topics
- Selected resources from universities
- Selected resources on diversity in libraries including definitions & competencies
- Selected resources on diversity and the media
- Inclusive and anti-racist writing
This guide provides a starting point to learn about intercultural communication, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the educational setting. For information on inclusive classrooms, check the section on "College and university - creating inclusive classrooms, curriculum, and pedagogy", for resources on anti-racism or difficult dialogues, check the sections, "Anti-racism" and "Selected resources from Universities", for material on indigenous or decolonizing the curriculum, check the section on "Indigenous, decoloniztion"
Looking for more? The SFU Library has also partnered with The Provost's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Initiative to develop an EDI resource guide.
For assistance with library research, please contact Moninder Lalli, or Ask a librarian.
Definitions and terminology
Links below provide information on equity, diversity and human rights.
- Government of Canada. Equity and inclusion, Human rights
- Statistics Canada. Sex of person (definitions)
- Canadian Human Rights Commission.
What are human rights, What is discrimination, What is harrassment, What is the duty to accomodate, Employer responsibilities, Accessible Canada Act - Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CCRF). CRRF Glossary of terms
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- United Nations. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- About British Columbia Government's adoption and implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Racial Equity Tools
is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large. We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]
When searching, it is helpful to think about variations in terminology.
You may wish to search for these terms and their variations: collectivism, cross-cultural, cultural competence, cultural literacy, cultural sensitivity, diversity, ethnocentrism, ethno-relativism, individualism, intercultural, intercultural competence, multicultural, etc.
You may wish to search for these terms and their variations: ability, class, disability, diversity, ethnicity, gay, gender, homosexual, lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQ, queer, race, transgender, visible minorities, etc.
Differences between equity and equality
Websites with definitions
- “Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference?” - George Washington University’s online Master of Public Health program
- What is racial equality? understanding key concepts related to race - Race Forward: Catalyzing Racial Justice
- The dictionary of cultural literacy [print]
- A dictionary of media and communication (See article on "intercultural communication")
- Cambridge handbook of intercultural training
- Dictionary of race, ethnicity and culture
- Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education
- Encyclopedia of diversity and social justice
- Encyclopedia of special education. Volume1, A-C :
a reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals - Handbook of experiential learning
- International encyclopedia of communication
- Routledge international handbook of diversity studies
- Sage dictionary of cultural studies
- Sage encyclopedia of intercultural competence
- Sage handbook of gender and education
- Sage handbook of international higher education
Databases for journal articles and videos
Databases below can be searched to find journal articles on intercultural communication and diversity issues. You may want to start with two databases: Education Source & PsycInfo.
- Anthropology Plus - For anthropological information on different cultures
- Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America - Academic articles and Indigenous news sources. Covers all aspects of Native North American culture, history, and life from the sixteenth century to the present.
- Business Source Complete For intercultural and diversity issues in the workplace, or when working abroad
- Education Source For material in schools and higher education
- Communication & Mass Media Complete For intercultural communication material
- PsycINFO For psychological aspects
- Sociological Abstracts - for intercultural and diversity issues in society
Education in Video
Streaming videos for training and developing teachers, covering teaching methods, classroom management, content areas and student assessment.
Films produced by the National Film Board of Canada (streaming online). Includes documentaries, animation and alternative dramas. Click on the search icon, and then click on the browse list until you see "subjects" and then try subjects such as: Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism, Indigenous Peoples in Canada (First Nations and Metis)
Intercultural communication and diversity training
This section provides guidance on finding books on intercultural communication and diversity training.
Selected authors
These authors have written multiple books which have influenced intercultural communication and training. Use the "Browse by author" (change the default "Title" to "Author) to find books by a particular author:
Selected resources on intercultural communication training
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (cultur* OR cross-cultur* OR intercultur*) AND (communicat* OR training OR educat* OR instruct* OR teach*)
- (diversity OR equit* OR inclus*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR teach* OR educat*)
- "Cross cultural orientation"
Selected books:
- Building cultural competence innovative activities and models
- Cross-cultural communication : theory and practice
- Cross-cultural dialogues : 74 brief encounters with cultural difference
- Culture Matters: Peace Corps Cross Cultural Workbook
- Culture Matters: Trainer's Guide / Peace Corps
- Cultures and organizations : software of the mind [print]
- Developing intercultural awareness : a cross-cultural training handbook [print]
- The diversity training handbook : a practical guide to understanding & changing attitudes [print]
- Exploring culture : exercises, stories, and synthetic cultures
- Global perspectives on intercultural communication
- Handbook of intercultural training
- Intercultural communication training : an introduction
- Intercultural sourcebook : cross-cultural training methods Vol. 1
- Intercultural sourcebook : cross-cultural training methods Vol. 2
- Manual for developing intercultural competencies : story circles
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence : revisited
- Training know-how for cross-cultural and diversity trainers [print]
- Understanding cultural differences [print]
- Understanding the world's cultures : 20th anniversary edition of the classic, Figuring foreigners out a practical guide [print]
- Whole world guide to culture learning [print]
is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large. We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]
College and university -- creating inclusive classroom, curriculum and pedagogy
Selected guides and online resources:
Canadian Institutes for Health Research: Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada - CIHR
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Framework on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Gender-based analysis plus, Indigenous Research, Research Story - SSHRC-funded research calls for greater commitment to equity in higher eduction
BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- ("inclusive classroom*" OR "classroom culture") AND (college* OR "higher education" OR"post-secondary education" OR universit*)
- "eurocentric pedagogy"
- decoloniz* AND (pedagogy OR curricul* OR classroom*)
- "Classroom Techniques" AND ("higher education" OR post-secondary OR university OR college*) AND (gender OR race OR diversity)
- Plagiarism
- ("white fragility" OR "white priviledge" OR colour-blind* OR colorblind*) AND (pedagog* OR classroom* OR college)
Subject headings of interest:
Selected books:
- Colonized classrooms : racism, trauma and resistance in post-secondary education [print]
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting
- Decolonizing academia: poverty, oppression and pain [print]
- Decolonial Pedagogy: Examining Sites of Resistance, Resurgence, and Renewal
- Degrees of Difference : Reflections of Women of Color on Graduate School
- Diversity across the curriculum : a guide for faculty in higher education [print]
- Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in contemporary higher education
- Engaging difference : teaching humanities and social science in multicultural environments
- The equity myth : racialization and indigeneity at Canadian universities [print]
- Exploring Race in Predominantly White Classrooms: scholarls of color reflect [print]
- Evaluating Campus Climate at US Research Universities Opportunities for Diversity and Inclusion
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Immigrant students and higher education
- Intercultural Communicative Competence in Educational Exchange: A Multinational Perspective
- Intercultural competence in higher education : international approaches, assessment and application
- Knowledge and decolonial politics : a critical reader - includes a chapter on decolonizing the classroom
- Learning to speak, learning to listen : how diversity works on campus [print]
- Linguistic minority students go to college : preparation, access, and persistence
- Navigating Micro-Aggressions Toward Women in Higher Education
- On being included racism and diversity in institutional life / Sara Ahmed [print]
- Opening the door : reducing barriers to post-secondary education in Canada
- Presumed Incompetent The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia
- Revisiting The Great White North?: Reframing Whiteness, Privilege, and Identity in Education
- Strategies for fostering inclusive classrooms in higher education : international perspectives on equity and inclusion
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Strategies and resources for teaching and learning in inclusive classrooms
- Teaching about Culture, Ethnicity, & Diversity: Exercises and Planned Activities
- Transforming Classroom Culture : Inclusive Pedagogical Practices
- Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in the Academy
- When race breaks out : conversations about race and racism in college classrooms / Helen Fox [print]
Abilities, accessibility, ableism, disabilities
Selected guides and online resources:
Accessibility Information Toolkit For Libraries
Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE) Pilot Project
Report on Accessible Media (ROAM) - also includes information on Best Practices (PDF)
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (disabili* OR deaf* OR hearing OR visual impair* OR "learning disabl*" OR "intellectual disabilities") AND adults AND (training OR educat* OR instruct* OR teach*) -
Limited by "Subject" - disabilities AND Education AND Canad* - Limited to "Subjects" of "Higher education", "College students with disabilities" and "Postsecondary education"
- cripping AND ("higher educ*" OR post-secondary OR universit* OR college*) - Limited by Subject
- "Experiential learning" AND (gender OR diversity OR inclusion OR intercultural OR disabilit*) - Limited to "Subject" of "Disabilities"
- "People with disabilities" AND Education AND Canad*
- "visual* impair*" AND (college* OR universit* OR "higher education" OR post-secondary OR postsecondary)
- Subject: Learning disabled -- Education (Higher)
Selected books:
- Academic Ableism : Disability and Higher Education
- Assistive Technologies for People with Diverse Abilities
- Challenging ableism, understanding disability, including adults with disabilities in workplaces and learning spaces
- College success for students with disabilities : a guide to finding and using resources, with real-world stories
- Disable the Label: Improving Post-secondary Policy, Practice and Academic Culture for Students with Disabilities
- DisCrit : disability studies and critical race theory in education
- Guide to assisting students with disabilities : equal access in health science and professional education
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Succeeding as a student in the STEM fields with an invisible disability : a college handbook for science, technology, engineering, and math students with autism, ADD, affective disorders, or learning difficulties
- Succeeding with Disabilities: Graduates with Disabilities and the Factors Affecting Time-to-Completion
- Untold stories : a Canadian disability history reader [print]
Anti-racism, Black, racism, microagressions
Selected guides and online resources:
Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism
Statistics Canada. Aboriginal peoples, Gender diversity and inclusion statistics, Immigration and ethnocultural diversity, Sex of person (definitions)
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 years and counting
Canadian Race Relations Foundation: Surveys and research (on racism, including attitudes of Canadians)
American Sociological Association:
- Race and Racism in the United States: A Sociological Guide for the Public, produced by the ASA Task Force on the State of the Art in Sociological Scholarship on Race, offers critical understanding of race and racism and the importance of antiracism educational efforts for our national wellbeing.
Websites with definitions
- “Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference?” - George Washington University’s online Master of Public Health program
- What is racial equality? understanding key concepts related to race - Race Forward: Catalyzing Racial Justice
BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (antiracis* OR anti-racis* OR racis*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR teach* OR educat* OR pedagogy)
- Limited to "Resource type" - Audio Visual
- "anti-racist education"
- xenophobia OR islamophobia
- (xenophobia OR islamophobia AND (educ* OR college* OR university OR school*)
- (non-canad* OR foreign) AND ("work experience" OR training OR credential* OR qualification*)
- (non-canad* OR foreign) AND ("work experience" OR training OR credential* OR qualification*) AND (racis* OR discrimination OR prejudic*)
- microagressions
- Subject: Racial Discrimination
- Subject: Racism in higher education
Selected authors:
Selected books:
- Algorithms of oppression : how search engines reinforce racism [print]
- Black Women's Liberatory Pedagogies: Resistance, Transformation, and Healing Within and Beyond the Academy
- But I Don’t See Color The Perils, Practices, and Possibilities of Antiracist Education
- Cartographies of Race and Social Difference
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting
- Chinese historical wrongs consultation final report and recommendations
- Colonized Classrooms: Racism, Trauma and Resistance in Post-Secondary Education [print]
- Cost of racism for people of color: Contextualizing experiences of discrimination
- Deconstructing privilege teaching and learning as allies in the classroom
- Deconstructing Race: Multicultural Education beyond the Color-Bind
- Discrimination experienced by landed immigrants in Canada
- Dismantling Race in Higher Education Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy
- Diversity regimes : why talk is not enough to fix racial inequality at universities
- The equity myth : racialization and indigeneity at Canadian universities [print]
- Exploring Race in Predominantly White Classrooms: scholarls of color reflect [print]
- The fire now : anti-racist scholarship in times of explicit racial violence [print]
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Islamophobia: Lived Experiences of Online and Offline Victimisation
- Islamophobia Understanding Anti-Muslim Racism through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth
- Looking white people in the eye: gender, race, and culture in courtrooms and classrooms
- On being included racism and diversity in institutional life / Sara Ahmed
- Our Schools/Our Selves, Spring 2010 - Anti-Racism in Education: Missing in Action
- Politics of Anti-Racism Education: In Search of Strategies for Transformative Learning
- Racism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2020)
- Racism and anti-racism in Canada [print]
- Recognizing microaggressions
- Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces (Description: How the essential democratic values of diversity and free expression can coexist on campus.)
- Sisters or strangers? : immigrant, ethnic and racialized women in Canadian history
- Social justice issues and racism in the college classroom perspectives from different voices
- Space for race : decoding racism, multiculturalism, and post-colonialism in the quest for belonging in Canada and beyond [print]
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom: Notes from a White Professor
- Teaching Race and Anti-Racism in Contemporary America: Adding Context to Colorblindness
- Teaching race in perilous times
- Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in the Academy
- When getting along is not enough : reconstructing race in our lives and relationships
- When race breaks out : conversations about race and racism in college classrooms / Helen Fox [print]
- White fragility : why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism [print]
Selected articles:
- Eisen DB. Combating the “Too Sensitive” Argument: A Demonstration That Captures the Complexity of Microaggressions. Teaching Sociology. 2020;48(3):231-243. doi:10.1177/0092055X20930338
Gender and sexual identity
Selected guides and online resources:
Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission
Government of Canada. Gender-based Analysis Plus Resources
Statistics Canada. Gender diversity and inclusion statistics, Sex of person (definitions)
Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism
BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
SFU Rotunda Libraries Catalogue - The catalogue provides access to book collections available through Out On Campus, The Women's Centre, and SFPRIG
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (gender OR LGBT* OR queer OR transgender* OR transex* OR gay OR lesbian*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR pedagog* OR education OR classroom)
- LGBT* AND students AND pedagog*
Selected books:
- Critical Approaches to Women and Gender in Higher Education
- Controversy in the Psychology Classroom: Using Hot Topics to Foster Critical Thinking
- Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education
- Global encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) history
- Greenwood encyclopedia of LGBT issues worldwide
- He/she/they : how we talk about gender and why it matters
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Interruption of Heteronormativity in Higher Education Critical Queer Pedagogies
- Queer girls in class : lesbian teachers and students tell their classroom stories [print]
- Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy Higher Education, Gender and Intersectionality
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Teaching, Affirming, and Recognizing Trans and Gender Creative Youth: A Queer Literacy Framework
- Trans Individuals Lived Experiences of Harm: Gender, Identity and Recognition
- Trans/forming feminisms : trans/feminist voices speak out
- Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in the Academy
- Transgender : a reference handbook
- Transgender rights and politics : groups, issue framing, and policy adoption
Indigenous, decolonization
Selected guides and online resources:
- SFU’s Aboriginal Reconciliation Council’s final report: Walk this Path With Us
- SFU Library guide: First Nations Research Resources
- SFU Library: Indigenous Curriculum Resource Centre
- SFU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) - Reconciliation in Teaching, Research and Community engagement (2021)
- UBC Library - Downtown Eastside Research Access Portal (DTES RAP)
- UBC Library - Xwi7xwa Research Guides (by topics)
- UBC Indigenous Foundations Portal -- an overview of First Nations history and current issues
- University of Saskatchewan Library: IPortal - Indigenous Studies Research Tool
- Library and Archives Canada. Indigenous documentary heritage initiatives
- Government of Canada. Indigenous peoples; see also:
- Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism
- Statistics Canada. Aboriginal peoples
- British Columbia. Culture and Language, Indigenous post-secondary education and training, Phonetic Pronunciation Guide
- BC Campus - Indigenization Guides
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 years and counting
- BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
- National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCIH). Cultural Safety Collection
Search keywords from your topic using Catalogue Search. Limit results by using filters such as "Resource type" (of "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject."
- indigen* AND classroom* (keyword search in Library Catalogue)
- indigen* AND research
- settler* AND colonial* AND (educ* OR classroom* OR curricul* OR pedagog*) AND canad* (Limited by selected "Subjects")
- "indigenous knowledge" AND canad*
- (decoloniz* OR postcolon*) AND (universit* OR college* OR curriculum OR teach* OR pediagog* OR knowledge)
- "residential school*" AND (canad* OR "british columb*")
- indigen* AND (college OR university OR academ*)
- (indigen* OR coloni* OR decoloni*) AND (college OR university OR academ*) AND curriculum
Below are selected subject headings of interest. Please note that the terminology is being changed, so to be comprehensive, check the variations in terms.
- Subject: Indians of North America -- Education -- Canada
- Subject: Indians of North America -- Education (Higher) -- Canada
- Subject: Indians of North America -- Education (Higher) -- British Columbia
- Subject: Indigenous peoples -- Canada
- Subject: Indigenous peoples -- Canada -- Education
- Subject: Indigenous peoples -- Canada -- Residential schools
- Subject: Indigenous peoples -- Education (Higher) -- British Columbia
- Subject: Native peoples -- Canada
- Subject: Indigenous peoples -- Research -- Methodology
Selected books:
- 21 things you may not know about the Indian Act : helping Canadians make reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a reality [print]
- Aboriginal student engagement and achievement : educational practices and cultural sustainability [print]
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting
- Colonized classrooms : racism, trauma and resistance in post-secondary education [print]
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism
- Deconstructing privilege teaching and learning as allies in the classroom
- Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
- Decolonizing Research : Indigenous Storywork as Methodology [print]
- The equity myth : racialization and indigeneity at Canadian universities [print]
- Exploring Race in Predominantly White Classrooms: scholarls of color reflect [print]
- Handbook of Indigenous Education
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Indigenous methodologies : characteristics, conversations and contexts [print]
- Indigenous research methodologies [print]
- A knock on the door : the essential history of residential schools / from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada ; foreword by Phil Fontaine.
- Knowledge and decolonial politics : a critical reader - includes a chapter on decolonizing the classroom
- Learning and Teaching Together: Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
- Literature review of factors that support successful transitions by Aboriginal people from K-12 to postsecondary education
- Pathways for remembering and recognizing indigenous thought in education : philosophies of Iethi'nihsténha Ohwentsia'kékha (land)
- Reclaiming Indigenous Research in Higher Education [print]
- Sources and methods in indigenous studies
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Survey of education choices made by Indigenous students
- Talking back to the Indian Act : critical readings in settler colonial histories [print]
- Teaching aboriginal cultural competence : authentic approaches
- UBC CirCle Repository: Research 101: a Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside
- Working effectively with indigenous peoples [print]
- Working with Aboriginal communities in places of higher learning [print]
International students
Statistics Canada. Find statistics and other publications by searching: "international students"
BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (ESL OR EAL OR "international student*")
- Limited by several "Subject"
- (ESL OR EAL OR "international student*") AND (universit* OR college* or higher-educat* OR post-secondary)
- (communication OR training OR educat* OR instruct* OR teach*) AND (language* OR ESL OR EAL OR "international student*")
- Subject: English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
- Subject: English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers
Selected books:
- Academic writing a handbook for international students (2006 edition), and 2015 edition in print format
- Academic writing in a second or foreign language : issues and challenges facing ESL/EFL academic writers in higher education contexts
- ESL writer's handbook [print]
- International student engagement : strategies for creating inclusive, connected, and purposeful campus environments
- International student engagement in higher education : transforming practices, pedagogies and participation
- Bringing literature and linguistics into EFL classrooms insights from research and classroom practice
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting
- Chinese International Students’ Stressors and Coping Strategies in the United States
- How interculturally competent am I? : an introductory thesis writing course for international students
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments
- Intercultural Learning: Critical preparation for international student travel
- International student's guide studying in English at university
- International students at university : understanding the student experience [print]
- International students in first-year writing : a journey through socio-academic space [print]
- Plagiarism, intellectual property and the teaching of L2 writing [print]
- Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality
- Student Learning Abroad: What Our Students Are Learning, What They're Not, and What We Can Do about It
- Writing across borders / the Oregon State University Writing Intensive Curriculum and the Center for Writing & Learning [video]
Identifying works by diverse and indigenous scholars
Identifying works by diverse scholars is a challenging task since databases and library catalogues don't tend to index for diverse identities.
Some approaches to identifying scholars include:
- checking to see if professional associations have sections on diversity, EDI or indigenous scholars
- checking for "special issues" journals and "themed" conferences
- searching for "EDI topics" in the databases of a discipline or library catalogues
- searching for works on "theories", such as "critical race theory", "intersectionality" or "social justice" topics. This assumes that writers who write about such topics may be from diverse backgrounds, which may not be the case, but it may provide a "starting point" for identifying scholars.
- searching for "social justice" scholars or associations
- search using Google Scholar from a different country's domain (site:.) and subject terms, to find scholars from other countries
- use "cited by" feature in Google Scholar to see who is citing works by authors that are known to be from diverse backgrounds
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- Black Women Collective: Cite Black Women
- UBC Library : Search for Indigenous Authors at Xwi7xw
- Open Notebook Project: Diverse voices in science journalism
- PLOS Computational Biology: Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab
Google Scholar
Search in Google Scholar (or databases) using a theory (such as "critical race") and subject terms. NOTE: "AND" is assumed when searching using "Google", so it it not needed when combinging different concepts.
- "critical race" communication
- "critical race" sociology
- "women of color" sociology
- "women of color" (scholars OR academics) sociology
- intersectionality (scholars OR academics)
Experiential activities and games
University of Southern California. The MSW@USC Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege, Icebreaker: Respect Activity
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- Experiential learning
- "Experiential learning" AND (gender OR diversity OR inclusion OR intercultural OR disabilit*) - Limited by several "Subjects"
- "Experiential learning" AND (gender OR diversity OR inclusion OR intercultural OR disabilit*) - Limited to "Subject" of "Disabilities"
Selected books:
- Algorithms of oppression : how search engines reinforce racism [print]
- An alien among us : a diversity game [print]
- Barnga, a simulation game on cultural clashes / Sivasailam Thiagarajan [print] - a game which lets participants experience miscommunication.
- Building cultural competence innovative activities and models (for K to 12)
- Cross-cultural dialogues : 74 brief encounters with cultural difference
- Design your own games and activities : Thiagi's templates for performance improvement [print]
- Developing intercultural awareness : a cross-cultural training handbook [print]
- Deconstructing privilege teaching and learning as allies in the classroom
- ELL teacher's toolbox : hundreds of practical ideas to support your students
- Experiential activities for intercultural learning [print]
- Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [print]
- Leadership games : experiential learning for organizational development [print]
- Thiagi's Interactive Lectures: Power up Your Training with Interactive Games and Exercises
- Whole world guide to culture learning [print]
Videos on intercultural communication and EDI
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (cultur* OR cross-cultur* OR intercultur*) AND (communicat* OR train* OR teach* OR educat*)
- Limited by "Subjects" related to Indigenous peoples
- (gender OR LGBT* OR queer OR transgender* OR transex* OR gay OR lesbian*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR pedagog* OR education OR classroom)
- (antiracis* OR anti-racis* OR racis*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR teach* OR educat*)
- (diversity OR equit* OR inclus*) AND (train* OR instruct* OR teach* OR educat*)
Selected resources:
- Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMMSA)
- Their website provides information sheets which would be a good starting point to learn about decolonization, diversity and racism.
- Culture and Diversity - a listing of materials ((including videos) available at the Justice Institute of BC
- Government of Canada. Gender-based Analysis Plus
- Jane Elliott videos:
- The Angry Eye Elliot & Elliot Eyes. 35 mins BF 575 P9 E42 2001
- A class divided PBS 1984 (57 min.) LC 212.22 I8 C52 1985
- The essential blue eyed [videorecording] : BF 575 P9 E8 1999
- The eye of the storm (25 min.) LC 212.2 E94 2002
Selected journals
- Canadian journal of native education (Electronic: 1998 to 2013; Print from 1992 on)
- Diverse issues in higher education
- Equity & excellence in education
- Insight into diversity
- International journal of inclusive education
- International journal of intercultural relations
- Journal of college student development
- Journal of diversity in higher education
- Journal of international students
- Journal of student affairs research and practice
- Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness
- Multicultural education review
- New directions for student services
- TESOL journal - Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages
K-12 intercultural communication and diversity
British Columbia. Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirements
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Bullying and cyberbullying resources
Xwi7xwa Research Guides, UBC Library - by topic Indigenous Education K-12
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
- (cultur* OR cross-cultur* OR intercultur*) AND (communication OR training OR educat* OR instruct* OR teach*) AND (school* OR elementary OR high-school)
- indigen* AND classroom*
- Subject: Off-reservation boarding schools -- Canada -- History
- "residential school*" AND (canad* OR "british columb*")
Selected books:
- 40 active learning strategies for the inclusive classroom. Grades K-5
- Aboriginal cultures and perspectives : making a difference in the classroom [print]
- Academic instruction for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms
- Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding
- Building on the strengths of students with special needs : how to move beyond disability labels in the classroom
- Complete learning disabilities handbook : ready-to-use strategies & activities for teaching students with learning disabilities
- Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook
- Developing Critical Cultural Competence: A Guide for 21-Century Educators
- Dignity for All: Safeguarding LGBT Students
- ELL teacher's toolbox : hundreds of practical ideas to support your students
- Evidence-Based Practices in Deaf Education
- From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement: 45 Classroom Management Strategies
- I am Jazz! - Presents the story of a transgender child who traces her early awareness that she is a girl in spite of male anatomy ...
- Identifying and serving culturally and linguistically diverse gifted students [print]
- Learning and Teaching Together: Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
- Literature review of factors that support successful transitions by Aboriginal people from K-12 to postsecondary education
- NESA activities handbook for native and multicultural classrooms, Volume 3, Volume 2, Volume 1 - by Native Education Services Associates (NESA)
- Our Schools/Our Selves, Spring 2010 - Anti-Racism in Education: Missing in Action
- Peace Corps Educator Resources for K-12
- Teacher Education for Diversity : Conversations From the Global South
- Teaching and learning for intercultural understanding : engaging young hearts and minds
- Trans kids and teens : pride, joy, and families in transition [print]
- Truth and reconciliation in Canadian schools
- Voices of transgender children in early childhood education : reflections on resistance and resiliency
- What is antiracism?
Selected websites:
- British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) - Social Justice Site
- British Columbia. Ministry of Education (for K to12) - Inclusive Education Resources
- EdChange: Building Equitable and Just Schools, Communities and Organizations through Transformative Action
- MediaSmarts - Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy
- Queens University. Faculty of Education. Anti-racism and Diversity Resources - includes lesson plans, suggested books and video resources for K-12.
Selected intercultural studies and diversity workshops, moocs, webinars, certificates and degrees
This section lists a few institutions for obtaining credentials.
- Government of Canada. Gender Based Analysis Course
- University of British Columbia. Centre for Intercultural Communication - Certificate in Intercultural Studies
- University of British Columbia. Education. Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education
- University of British Columbia. Extended Learning. Equity and Inclusion Courses and Programs
- University of Victoria (British Columbia) - The Diploma in Intercultural Education and Training
- Royal Roads. Master of Arts in Professional Communication with a Specialization in Intercultural and Internationsl Communication
United States
- University of Alberta. Indigenous Canada from the Faculty of Native Studies. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. [Description from the website]
- University of British Columbia. Faculty of Education. Historical, Systemic and Intersectional Anti-racism: From awareness to action
Associations and organizations
- American Sociological Association:
- Race and Racism in the United States: A Sociological Guide for the Public, produced by the ASA Task Force on the State of the Art in Sociological Scholarship on Race, offers critical understanding of race and racism and the importance of antiracism educational efforts for our national wellbeing.
- AMSSA - Association of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC
- International students: settlement, housing and employment
- E-Learning Modules - are online courses on topics regarding settlement and integration in BC
- Cultures West Magazine
- Anti-racism (videos)
- British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF) - Social Justice Site
- Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) - Simon Fraser University is an Institutional Members so the webinars are free of charge for SFU employees (2019 Webinars list)
- Canadian Certified Inclusion Professional: CCIP Designation
- Canadian Race Relations Foundation
- Justice Institute of BC Library - Cultural and Diversity: A listing of materials available at the Justice Institute Library (Bibliography)
- Mosaic - an organization serving immigrant, refugee, migrant and mainstream communities in Greater Vancouver
- Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR)
Government information
This section suggests resources related to human rights, multiculturalism, discrimination, diversity and equity issues.
British Columbia
- Government of Canada. Canadian Human Rights Act (1977), Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982), Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian Institutes for Health Research
- Global Affairs Canada
- Immigration and Citizenship
Indigenous peoples Programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis
- Library and Archives Canada
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Bullying, Harassment prevention, Native Spirituality Guide
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
- Statistics Canada
- Aboriginal peoples
- Gender diversity and inclusion statistics, Sex of person (definitions)
- Immigration and ethnocultural diversity
- Search on Statistics Canada site: "international students"
- Women and Gender Equality Canada
- United Nations
- About the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Human Rights and Refugees
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Global Issues. Videos: Topics and Issues (Decolonization, Human Rights, Persons with Disabilities, Women, etc.)
- Women and Gender Issues
Special topics
Selected resources from universities
- Association of American Colleges and Universities. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- University of California. Los Angeles. UCLA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion.
- University of California. San Francisco. Unconscious Bias
- University of Colorado. Faculty Teaching Excellence Program. Diversity essay series
- Examples: Fostering Diversity in a Medium-Sized Classroom (pdf) , Diversity and Education: Sexual Orientations (pdf)
- University of Michigan, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)
- Diversity and inclusion
- Inclusive Teaching Resources and Strategies
- Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Providing Academic Support
- Perceptions of Faculty Behavior by Students of Color
- Effect of Student Diversity on Student Learning at the University of Michigan: Faculty and GSI Perspectives
- Responding to difficult moments
- Teaching Students with Disabilities: What Faculty Can Do
- Diversity and inclusion
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Center for Faculty Excellence.
- University of Southern California. The MSW@USC Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege, Icebreaker: Respect Activity
- Vanderbilt University. Difficult Dialogues
- York University. Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion
Selected resources on diversity in libraries including definitions & competencies
- American Library Association (ALA). Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion (September 2017)
- Public Library Association (ALA) -
- Webinar: Understanding Power, Identity, and Oppression in the Public Library (2017) [1:03:11]
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Canadian Association for Research Libraries (CARL). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic. Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:
("library science" OR librarianship) AND (anti-racis* OR diversity OR inclusi* OR equity OR aborig* OR minorit*)
Limited by selected "Subjects"
Selected books:
- Aboriginal and visible minority librarians : oral histories from Canada
- Algorithms of oppression : how search engines reinforce racism [print]
- Feminists among us : resistance and advocacy in library leadership [print]
- Implementing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion : a handbook for academic libraries
- Information Services to Diverse Populations
- In our own voices, redux : the faces of librarianship today [print]
- Pushing the margins : women of color and intersectionality in LIS [print]
- Spec-Kit 356 Diversity and Inclusion - Association of Research Libraries
- Topographies of whiteness : mapping whiteness in library and information science [print]
Journal articles:
- Bresnahan, M. (2022). Library Diversity and Inclusion Statements in Action. Journal of Library Administration, 62(4), 419–437. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/10.1080/01930826.2022.2057125
- Kandiuk, M. (2014). Promoting Racial and Ethnic Diversity among Canadian Academic Librarians. College & Research Libraries, 75(4), 492–556. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/10.5860/crl.75.4.492
- Carmack, N. (2021). Collecting for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Best Practices for Virginia Libraries. Virginia Libraries, 65(1), 1–5. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/10.21061/valib.v65i1.622
- Ely, E. (2021). Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statements on Academic Library Websites. Information Technology & Libraries, 40(4), 1–22. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/10.6017/ital.v40i4.13353
- Collaborative Librarianship -- an open access journal with some material about EDI issues in libraries.
E.g.- Building a Culture of Collaboration and Shared Responsibility for Educational Equity Work through an Inclusive Teaching Community of Practice / Francesca Marineo, Chelsea Heinbach, and Rosan Mitola
- Challenging the Glass Ceiling: Collaboration as the Key to Increasing the Number of Librarians of Color in Academic Libraries / Janet M. Reid and Patricia D. Sobczak
- What Collaboration Means to Us: Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives in the Library Profession / Raymond Pun and Hiromi Kubo
Selected resources on diversity and the media
Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic and then limit the search results by "Subject", see examples, below:
- "mass media" AND (racis* OR stereotyp* OR prejud* OR discrim*) - Limited by several "Subjects"
Selected books:
- By omission and commission : 'race' and representation in Canadian television news
- Contested images women of color in popular culture
- Discourses of domination : racial bias in the Canadian English-language press
- Gender, race, and class in media : a critical reader [print]
- Girl on the magazine cover the origins of visual stereotypes in American mass media
- Images that injure : pictorial stereotypes in the media [print]
- Media gaze : representations of diversities in Canada [print]
- Post-Racial Mystique: Media and Race in the Twenty-First Century
- Race and ethnicity in digital culture : our changing traditions, impressions, and expressions in a mediated world
- Silent on the set : cultural diversity and race in Englsih Canadian TV drama
Selected websites:
- Canadian Association of Broadcasters. Diversity in Broadcasting
- MediaSmarts - Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy
- Racial Equity Tools
is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large. We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]
Inclusive and anti-racist writing
- Inclusive and antiracist writing resources
- How to Stop Harming Students: An Ecological Guide to Antiracist Writing Assessments (Infographic) by Asao B. Inoue with Mya Poe
- Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 Years and Counting by Nick Claxton, Denise Fong, Fran Morrison, Christine O'Bonsawin, Maryka Omatsu, John Price, and Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra