Intercultural communication, equity, diversity and inclusion training guide

This guide provides a starting point to learn about intercultural communication, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the educational setting.  For information on inclusive classrooms, check the section on "College and university - creating inclusive classrooms, curriculum, and pedagogy", for resources on anti-racism or difficult dialogues, check the sections, "Anti-racism" and  "Selected resources from Universities", for material on indigenous or decolonizing the curriculum, check the section on "Indigenous, decoloniztion"

Looking for more? The SFU Library has also partnered with The Provost's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Initiative to develop an EDI resource guide

For assistance with library research, please contact Moninder or  Ask a librarian.

Definitions and terminology

Links below provide information on equity, diversity and human rights.

 is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.  We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]


When searching, it is helpful to think about variations in terminology. 


You may wish to search for these terms and their variations: collectivism, cross-cultural, cultural competence, cultural literacy, cultural sensitivity, diversity, ethnocentrism, ethno-relativism, individualism, intercultural, intercultural competence, multicultural, etc.


You may wish to search for these terms and their variations: ability, class, disability, diversity, ethnicity, gay, gender, homosexual, lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQ, queer, race, transgender, visible minorities, etc. 

Differences between equity and equality

Websites with definitions

Databases for journal articles and videos

Databases below can be searched to find journal articles on intercultural communication and diversity issues. You may want to start with two databases: Education Source & PsycInfo.


Education in Video  
Streaming videos for training and developing teachers, covering teaching methods, classroom management, content areas and student assessment.  
Films produced by the National Film Board of Canada (streaming online). Includes documentaries, animation and alternative dramas.  Click on the search icon, and then click on the browse list until you see "subjects" and then try subjects such as: Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism, Indigenous Peoples in Canada (First Nations and Metis)

Intercultural communication and diversity training

This section provides guidance on finding books on intercultural communication and diversity training.

Selected authors

These authors have written multiple books which have influenced intercultural communication and training. Use the "Browse by author" (change the default "Title" to "Author) to find books by a particular author:

Selected resources on intercultural communication training

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:



 is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.  We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]

College and university -- creating inclusive classroom, curriculum and pedagogy

Selected guides and online resources:

Canadian Institutes for Health Research: Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada - CIHR 
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Framework on Equity, Diversity and InclusionDimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada 
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Gender-based analysis plus, Indigenous Research, Research Story - SSHRC-funded research calls for greater commitment to equity in higher eduction

BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Subject headings of interest:

Selected books:


Abilities, accessibility, ableism, disabilities

Selected guides and online resources:

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:


Anti-racism, Black, racism, microagressions

Selected guides and online resources:

Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission 

Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism

Statistics Canada. Aboriginal peoplesGender diversity and inclusion statistics, Immigration and ethnocultural diversitySex of person (definitions)

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Challenging Racist British Columbia: 150 years and counting

Canadian Race Relations Foundation: Surveys and research (on racism, including attitudes of Canadians)

American Sociological Association:

Websites with definitions

BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected authors:

Selected books:

Selected articles:

  • Eisen DB. Combating the “Too Sensitive” Argument: A Demonstration That Captures the Complexity of Microaggressions. Teaching Sociology. 2020;48(3):231-243. doi:10.1177/0092055X20930338

Gender and sexual identity

Selected guides and online resources:

Under "definitions", see links for Canadian Human Rights Commission

Government of Canada. Gender-based Analysis Plus Resources

Statistics Canada. Gender diversity and inclusion statistics, Sex of person (definitions)

Canadian Heritage. Anti-racism resources, Deepening Understanding, Developing Ideas: A Cross-Country Conversation on Anti-Racism

BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

SFU Rotunda Libraries Catalogue - The catalogue provides access to book collections available through Out On Campus, The Women's Centre, and SFPRIG

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:



Indigenous, decolonization

Selected guides and online resources:

Search keywords from your topic using Catalogue SearchLimit results by using filters such as "Resource type" (of "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject."

Below are selected subject headings of interest.  Please note that the terminology is being changed, so to be comprehensive, check the variations in terms.

Selected books:

International students

Statistics Canada.  Find statistics and other publications by searching: "international students"

BC Campus. Book. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:

Identifying works by diverse and indigenous scholars 

Identifying works by diverse scholars is a challenging task since databases and library catalogues don't tend to index for diverse identities. 

Some approaches to identifying scholars include:

  • checking to see if professional associations have sections on diversity, EDI or indigenous scholars
  • checking for "special issues" journals and "themed" conferences
  • searching for "EDI topics" in the databases of a discipline or library catalogues
  • searching for works on "theories", such as "critical race theory", "intersectionality" or "social justice" topicsThis assumes that writers who write about such topics may be from diverse backgrounds, which may not be the case, but it may provide a "starting point" for identifying scholars.
  • searching for "social justice" scholars or associations
  • search using Google Scholar from a different country's domain (site:.) and subject terms, to find scholars from other countries
  • use "cited by" feature in Google Scholar to see who is citing works by authors that are known to be from diverse backgrounds

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:




Google Scholar

Search in Google Scholar (or databases) using a theory (such as  "critical race") and subject terms.  NOTE: "AND" is assumed when searching using "Google", so it it not needed when combinging different concepts.

Experiential activities and games

University of Southern California. The MSW@USC Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege, Icebreaker: Respect Activity

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

  Selected books:


Videos on intercultural communication and EDI

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected resources:

Selected journals

K-12 intercultural communication and diversity

British Columbia. Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirements  
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Bullying and cyberbullying resources  
Xwi7xwa Research Guides, UBC Library - by topic Indigenous Education K-12

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:

Selected websites:


Selected intercultural studies and diversity workshops, moocs, webinars, certificates and degrees

This section lists a few institutions for obtaining credentials.


United States


Associations and organizations

Government information

This section suggests resources related to human rights, multiculturalism, discrimination, diversity and equity issues.

British Columbia



Special topics

Selected resources from universities

Selected resources on diversity in libraries including definitions & competencies

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic.  Limit the search results by "Resource type" (such as "Books" or "Audio Visual") or by "Subject", see examples, below:

("library science" OR librarianship) AND (anti-racis* OR diversity OR inclusi* OR equity OR aborig* OR minorit*)  
  Limited by selected "Subjects"

Selected books:

Journal articles:


Selected resources on diversity and the media

Do a SFU Library Catalogue Search on your topic and then limit the search results by "Subject", see examples, below:

Selected books:

Selected websites:

 is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.  We curate resources that use language and analysis reflecting an understanding of systemic racism, power, and privilege and are accessible on-line and free to users. The only exceptions are the Transforming White Privilege curriculum which is behind a paywall on the RET site, and the Racial Equity Learning modules which are linked to World Trust Educational Services’ site. [from the website]


Inclusive and anti-racist writing