On this page
Getting Started
Start your research here: Library guide on how to research a topic.
- All SFU library print and electronic books are listed in the Library Catalogue. You can also browse the catalogue for journals and journal articles.
- New books for Linguistics (monthly)
- Brill Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries
Journal articles
Key databases for Linguistics that you can use to find academic articles:
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) -- The most inclusive database for research in all aspects of Linguistics
- ERIC -- Education research and practice, first and additional language acquisition, computer-aided language learning
- PsycINFO -- Citations to literature in the field of psychology, psycholinguistics, bilingualism and language acquisition
- Web of Science -- Use the 'Cited References' tab in the database to see which authors are citing other authors' works
- Communications and Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
Or, see all Journal article databases relevant for Linguistics.
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