Indian Diaspora information resources: Citing & writing


The Library's Student Learning Commons offers a wide range of workshops, consultations, and self-guided instructional tools for both undergraduate and graduate students.

For Graduate Student workshops and services, check out the Library's Graduate Research Commons.

 Style guides and citing

The new edition (6th) of APA requires a DOI (when available) when citing electronic versions of articles. Use to search for DOIs in one place.

Need to cite Twitter, Facebook, or some other non-traditional format? Search the APA Style Blog for some handy citation examples and discussion, or view

    Citation Management

    Citation management tools collect your journal article, book, or other document citations together in one place, and help you create properly formatted bibliographies in almost any style — in seconds.  Citation management tools help you keep track of your sources while you work and store your references for future use and reuse.

    SFU Library provides support for Zotero.  For help, contact us at


    The Student Learning Commons provides assistance and numerous, helpful writing handouts.


    The unacknowledged use of other people's ideas or work, whether intentional or unintentional, is a serious academic offence. Plagiarism can be avoided through careful work habits. Learn more through the SFU Library's plagiarism guide and take our interactive tutorial Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism to test your knowledge.