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Find books on research methods
Search the SFU Library Catalogue to find books.
Keyword searching
"topic" AND research method*
"name of method"
- femini* AND "research method*"
- indigen* AND research
- decolonial* AND femini*
- decolonial* AND research*
- "qualitative research"
- "qualitative research" AND method*
- (queer OR LGBTQ OR gay OR lesbian*) AND "research method*"
From the "search results" select books that are relevant, and take a look at their assigned "subject headings" to find more books on that topics. Use the limiters in the left-hand column to narrow down the results.
Selected subject headings to find books on research methods
These selected Library of Congress Subject Headings will assist you with finding books on research methods.
Use the Browse Search option in the SFU Library Catalogue, then select "Subject" browse from the drop-down menu.
- Aging research -- methodological issues
- Communities -- Research -- Methodology
- Data mining
- Digital video -- Research -- Methodology
- Discourse analysis -- Research -- Methodology
- Ethnology -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
- Feminism -- Developing countries
- Feminism -- International cooperation
- Feminism -- Methodology
- Feminism -- Research
- Feminist Anthropology
- Feminist Theory -- Cross Cultural Studies
- Focus Groups
- Indigenous peoples -- Research -- Methodology
- Interdisciplinary Research -- Methodology
- Internet -- Social Aspects -- Research Methodology
- Intersectionality
- Interviewing
- Interviewing in ethnology
- Interviewing in sociology
- Interviewing -- Methodology
- Lesbians -- Research Methodology
- Mixed methods research
- Narrative inquiry (Research method)
- Oral History -- Methodology
- Oral tradition -- Research
- Performing arts -- Research -- Methodology
- Post-colonialism -- Research -- Methodology
- Race -- Research -- Methodology
- Qualitative research -- Methodology
- Quantitative research -- Methodology
- Questionnaires -- design
- Questionnaires -- Methodology
- Social surveys -- Methodology
- Social sciences -- Field work
- Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology
- Social sciences -- Statistical methods
- Social Surveys -- Methodology
- Statistics -- Methodology
- Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law
- Surveys -- Methodology
- Transgender People -- Research Methodology
- Webometrics
- Women -- Research -- Methodology
- Women's studies -- Methodology
- Women's studies -- Research
Selected books on research methods
These books will help you to get started.
- A step-by-step guide to qualitative data coding
- Applying Indigenous Research Methods: Storying with Peoples and Communities
- Black feminism in qualitative inquiry : a mosaic for writing our daughter's body
- Critical transnational feminist praxis
- Cultura y corazón : a decolonial methodology for community engaged research
- Culturally Responsive Approaches to Evaluation: Empirical Implications for Theory and Practice
- Data feminism
- Data mining for the social sciences: an introduction
- Data Mining The Textbook
- Data Visualization in Society
- Decolonizing data : unsettling conversations about social research methods
- Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
- Encyclopedia of Big Data
- Ethical practice in participatory visual research with girls : transnational approaches
- Ethical research approaches to indigenous knowledge education
- Feminist activist ethnography counterpoints to neoliberalism in North America
- Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research
- Feminist ethnography : thinking through methodologies, challenges, and possibilities [print]
- Handbook of feminist research : theory and praxis; also available in [print]
- Handbook of methodological approaches to community-based research : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
- How to enhance your research : 100 practical tips for academics
- How to write qualitative research
- Imagining queer methods
- Indigenous methodologies : characteristics, conversations and contexts [print]
- Indigenous research : theories, practices, and relationships
- Indigenous research design : transnational perspectives in practice [print]
- Indigenous statistics : a quantitative research methodology also [print]
- Indigenous Women’s Voices: 20 Years on from Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s Decolonizing Methodologies
- Intuitive Introductory Statistics
- Just methods : an interdisciplinary feminist reader
- Methodological practices in social movement research
- Metric society : on the quantification of the social
- Mixed methods research : a guide to the field also in [print]
- Netnography unlimited : understanding technoculture using qualitative social media research
- Oxford Handbook of Indigenous Sociology
- Palgrave Handbook of Social Fieldwork
- Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research
- Positioning Research: Shifting Paradigms, Interdisciplinarity and Indigeneity
- Quantitative analysis of questionnaires : techniques to explore structures and relationships
- Queer data : using gender, sex and sexuality data for action
- Queer data studies
- Queer methods and methodologies : intersecting queer theories and social science research also in (print)
- Research handbook on intersectionality
- Research methods for the arts and humanities [series]
- Researching gender violence : feminist methodology in action [print]
- Researching gender, violence and abuse : theory, methods, action
- Reviewer’s Guide to Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
- Routledge companion to intersectionalities
- Routledge handbook of discourse analysis (print)
- Routledge handbook of interdisciplinary research methods
- Routledge International Handbook of Transdisciplinary Feminist Research and Methodological Praxis
- Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods [print]
- Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods
- Sage handbook of action research
- Sage handbook of qualitative data analysis
- Sage handbook of social research methods
- Sage handbook of visual research methods [print]
- Sage Mixed Methods Research
- Sage quantitative research methods
- Sources and Methods in Indigenous Studies
- Statistical Methods in Social Science Research
- Theories and methodologies in postgraduate feminist research : researching differently
- Theorizing Intersectionality and Sexuality
- Transformations in Social Science Research Methods During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- UBC CirCle Repository: Research 101: a Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside
- Working effectively with indigenous peoples [print]
- Working with Aboriginal communities in places of higher learning [print]
- Writing up Quantitative Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Search databases that publish scholarly articles in your research area. Research methodologies are included in the text of articles and in the abstracts of article index records so a keyword search, using terms describing your methodology and the focus of your research, should produce relevant results.
For example:
To find discussions of methodological issues, use terms describing your methodology combined with terms like "critique", "review", "assessment", "problem*", "ethic*", "issues", etc.
- Sage Research Methods Online
Search or browse a wide variety of sources on research methods, including ebooks, articles, reference sources, and videos. Also includes research tools and instructional content.- Within the database, the Sage "Little Green Books" are "quantitative", while "Sage Little Blue Books" are qualitative.
SAGE Research Methods. Datasets
Collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides covering a range of research methods. By picking a dataset and working through the accompanying guides, students can learn data analysis by practicing themselves.
- Within the database, the Sage "Little Green Books" are "quantitative", while "Sage Little Blue Books" are qualitative.
- Women's Studies International - Key database for articles on feminism.
- For articles related to "research methods", search for terms describing those methods.
- SU "method*"
- DE "RESEARCH methodology"
- DE "QUALITATIVE research"
- For articles related to "research methods", search for terms describing those methods.
- ProQuest Sociology Collection - for issues related to class, gender, racism, sexuality and sexism and theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science.
- Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) A central repository and dissemination service for machine-readable social science data. ICPSR supplies social science data files for use with statistical software, such as SAS or SPSS. There are many longitudinal studies with data going back several decades.
- ICPSR's YouTube Channel has many videos on data curation, data analysis, etc.
- Resources for students (webinars, guides, etc.) such as: A Guide to Interpreting SPSS Output - How to interpret frequency distributions, crosstabulations, comparison of means tests, correlations, and OLS regressions done in SPSS. Used in teaching undergraduate Introduction to Statistics course.
For more, try databases for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, Databases for Anthropology, Databases and for Sociology.
GIS / Mapping
If you don't identify yourself as a "GIS researcher", but interested in using GIS/mapping for community-based research, participatory projects, and equity/diversity topics, this guide is a good resource to get you started.
The guide brings together three (interrelated) streams of applications of GIS: community-based research, participatory projects, and equity/diversity related issues. At the core, these usage examples all try to expand the reach of GIS, many created by "non GIS experts", for a larger audience, and tapping into new open-source, web-based technologies.
Feminist theory website
- Feminist Theory Website - "provides research materials" - fields within feminism; national and ethnic feminisms; Individual feminists
- Homosaurus vocabulary (terminology) - as a supplement to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for describing LGBTQIA+ collections (including published material and ephemera).