On this page
- Statistical information
- General resources
- Community resources for older adults
- Attitudes and social Issues that affect older people
- Population aging and demography
- Knowledge building and older people
- Mental well-being and mental disorder
- Health and determinants of health
- Successful aging
- Families and aging
- Work and retirement
- Pensions and economic security for older Canadians
- Health-care system and policy
- End-of-life issues
- Environment and aging
For further assistance with your assignment, you can contact Nina Smart, the Liaison Librarian for Gerontology, / , or contact a librarian through SFU's Ask Us! service.
Statistical information
- Census Canada - information based on 2016 Census
- Educational Attainment (click on age group)
- Fact book on aging in British Columbia and Canada [print and 5th ed online]
- Population aging resources
- Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063)
- Report on Health and Aging in Canada (2018) Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Covers demography, retirement, social engagement, caregiving, health, lifestyle, transportation and LGB
- A portrait of seniors in Canada (2006) Older but excellent overview, including charts covering demographics, housing, income, health, education and other characteristics.
General resources
A Field Guide to Critical Thinking - evaluating evidence
- Health Care in Canada 2012 (CIHI) - "A focus on wait times"
- How to Live to be 100
- Resources for Older Americans - National Center for Health Statistics (US)
- See also: Gerontology Information Resources for further information
Community resources for older adults
- Accessible Transit - Translink
- BC Housing - crown corporation which "develops, manages and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province"
In particular, check out Home Adaptations for Independence - Canadian Housing and Mortgage Authority - in particular, check out Accessible and Adaptable Homes
- Telus BusinessFinder aka the online BC Yellow pages
Housing for seniors
- Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives [print]
In particular, see: Chapter 8, "The Lived Environment: Community and Housing Alternatives in Later Life" - A portrait of seniors in Canada (2006)
In particular, see Chapter 4.1 "Living arrangements and the family" for statistical information
Attitudes and social Issues that affect older people
Ageism: An introduction Linda Woolf, Webster University
- Ageism: The quiet epidemic M. and L. Stones, University of Waterloo
See also:
- Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
- National Institute on Aging (US)
- Revera Report on Ageism (2012) Canadian attitudes
Population aging and demography
Population Aging Statistics Canada
Knowledge building and older people
Mental well-being and mental disorder
- Alzheimer's Association (US)
- American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
- Alzheimer’s Disease International: World Alzheimer Reports
- Alzheimer Society of Canada
- National Institute of Mental Health (US)
See also: Health Canada's Mental Health section
See also: Gero 409: Mental health and aging
Health and determinants of health
- Health Council of Canada - archived website covering a number of topics related to health care
- Seniors in British Columbia: A healthy living framework
- Canada’s Aging Population
- Health Care Renewal in Canada: Accelerating Change
- What Makes Canadians Healthy or Unhealthy?
Successful aging
- Canadian Association on Gerontology
- Healthy Living: Seniors Health Canada
- Profile of Seniors in British Columbia B.C. Ministry of Health Services
- Administration on Aging (US)
- Age and sex profile - archived profile based on statistics from 2001 Census
- Age Inequality, Ageism, Gerontology - SocioSite
- Ageism (FAIR) Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
- FDA Information for Seniors Food and Drug Administration (US)
- Health Canada: Seniors
Families and aging
- Employment Insurance (EI) Compassionate Care Benefits - Service Canada
- The Legacy Project
- Foundation for Grandparenting(US)
- Generations United (US)
- Grandparents - American Association of Retired Persons
See also: Gero 408: Families and aging
Work and retirement
- Administration on Aging (AoA)
- American Association of Retired Person (AARP)
- Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)
- Seniors at Work: An Update - StatsCan The Daily
- Will you work until 70? BBC
See also: Older Workers and retirement in Gerontology Special Topics
Pensions and economic security for older Canadians
- AARP Money section
- Fact Sheet on the Economics of Aging in Canada Law Commission of Canada
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada including Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security
Health-care system and policy
- Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC (COSCO)
- Online 96 Senior Cyborgs
- PoliticsWatch
- Population aging and life-course flexibility - Policy Horizons Canada
- Raging Grannies International (and Raging Grannies of BC)
- World Population Ageing: 1950-2050 - UN Report from World Population Ageing Division
End-of-life issues
- End of Life Issues
- Five Wishes Aging with Dignity
- On Death and Dying - interview With Elizabeth Kubler-Ross M.D.
- Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
- Standard Representation Agreement (available though Canvas in Study Units/Unit 16)
- Life After Loss - American Association of Retired Persons
See also: Gero 406: Death and Dying
Environment and aging
- Annotated Bibliography on Universal Design - British Columbia Ministry of Housing and Construction Standards
- Universal Design Education Online - Global Universal Design Educators’ Network
- American Seniors Housing Association
- The Center for Universal Design (NC State University)
- Canadian Mortgage and Housing Association
- Independent Living - BC Housing
- Information for Seniors - BC Housing
- Seniors' Healthy Living Secretariat - BC Ministry of Health
- Seniors Services Society - an amalgamation of the Seniors Housing Information Program Society (SHIP) and the Western Society for Seniors Citizens Services
Designing for dementia
Lost in space : architecture and dementia (online)
How to build for people with dementia
Designing Homes for People with Dementia [print]
Dozens of examples from around the world of good home design
Find more SFU books under: Dementia patients Dwellings
Adapting your home to living with dementia CMHC
"provides tips and strategies that reflect the changing nature of dementia, and is intended for people with dementia living at home and their caregivers."
Dementia: finding housing solutions University of Stirling
Includes section on designing dementia-friendly homes
Virtual Care Home Design Centre UK
"The layouts of seven individual rooms are modelled with information revealed interactively on how the features can make a difference for people with dementia." Needs Flash Player.
Future housing and support needs of people with dementia Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
"A PwD’s [person with dementia ] home is critical to their quality of life, with PwD more likely than others in the community to be spending a significant proportion of their time in the home."
Secure Dementia Care Home Design New Zealand Ministry of Health
Covers design principles as well as cultural aspects
See also: Gero 401: Aging and the built environment.
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