Further resources for Introduction to Gerontology

 For further assistance with your assignment, you can contact Nina Smart, the Liaison Librarian for Gerontology, 778.782.5043 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) / nsmart@sfu.ca Monday to Thursday, or contact a librarian through SFU's Ask Us! service.

Statistical information

General resources

Community resources for older adults

Housing for seniors

  • Aging as a social process: Canadian perspectives [print]
    In particular, see:  Chapter 8, "The Lived Environment: Community and Housing Alternatives in Later Life"
  • A portrait of seniors in Canada (2006)
    In particular, see Chapter 4.1 "Living arrangements and the family" for statistical information

Attitudes and social Issues that affect older people

See also:

Population aging and demography

Population Aging Statistics Canada

Knowledge building and older people

Mental well-being and mental disorder

See also: Health Canada's Mental Health section
See also: Gero 409: Mental health and aging

Health and determinants of health

Successful aging

Families and aging

See also: Gero 408: Families and aging

Work and retirement

See also: Older Workers and retirement in Gerontology Special Topics

Pensions and economic security for older Canadians 

Health-care system and policy

End-of-life issues

See also: Gero 406: Death and Dying

Environment and aging 

Designing for dementia

Lost in space : architecture and dementia (online)
How to build for people with dementia

Designing Homes for People with Dementia  [print]
Dozens of examples from around the world of good home design 

Find more SFU books under: Dementia patients Dwellings

Adapting your home to living with dementia CMHC
"provides tips and strategies that reflect the changing nature of dementia, and is intended for people with dementia living at home and their caregivers."

Dementia: finding housing solutions University of Stirling
Includes section on designing dementia-friendly homes

Virtual Care Home Design Centre UK
"The layouts of seven individual rooms are modelled with information revealed interactively on how the features can make a difference for people with dementia." Needs Flash Player.

Future housing and support needs of people with dementia  Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
"A PwD’s [person with dementia ] home is critical to their quality of life, with PwD more likely than others in the community to be spending a significant proportion of their time in the home."

Secure Dementia Care Home Design New Zealand Ministry of Health
Covers design principles as well as cultural aspects

See also: Gero 401: Aging and the built environment.

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