On this page
Dictionaries, handbooks and terminology
- The complete film dictionary [print]
- Cinema studies: the key concepts [online or print]
- Critical dictionary of film and television theory [online or print]
- The film studies dictionary [print]
- Filmmaker's dictionary [print]
- A Glossary of Film Terms written and designed for the web by Joel Schlemowitz, The New School, N.Y.
- Show it in Public: everything you need to know to show a film in public. The companion guide to showamovie.ca [print]
Encyclopedias and film guides
- Canadian film encyclopedia - Covers some of Canada’s foremost historical and modern films and filmmakers.
- A century of Canadian cinema: Gerald Pratley's feature film guide, 1900 to the present [print]
- Encyclopedia of early cinema [online or print]
- Encyclopedia of the documentary film [print]
- The film encyclopedia: the most comprehensive encyclopedia of world cinema in a single volume [print]
- Guide to the cinema(s) of Canada [online or print]
- Halliwell's: the movies that matter [print]
- The international dictionary of films and filmmakers [online or print]
- International film guide [print]
- Motion picture guide annual [print]
- Oxford history of world cinema [online or print]
- Schirmer encyclopedia of film [online or print]
- Screen world: a film annual [print]
- Take One's essential guide to Canadian film [print]
Biographical dictionaries
- Cinema: a critical dictionary: the major film-makers [print]
- Contemporary North American film directors: a Wallflower critical guide [print]
- Le Dictionnaire du cinéma québécois [print]
- The encyclopedia of filmmakers [print]
- The Hollywood.com guide to film directors: baseline Hollywood film director directory [print]
- The new biographical dictionary of film [print]
- Reel women: pioneers of the cinema, 1896 to the present [print]
- St. James film directors encyclopedia [print]
- The St. James women filmmakers encyclopedia: women on the other side of the camera [print]
- Who was who on screen? [print]
- Who's who in Canadian film and television [print]
- Women film directors: an international bio-critical dictionary [print]
- Women filmmakers & their films [print]
- Women in film: an international guide [print]
Bibliographies and guides to film research
Try the SUBJECT Motion pictures -- Catalogs in the Library Catalogue to find other filmographies in the SFU Library collection.
- British Film Institute National Library Catalogue "...one of the world's largest collection of books on cinema and television."
- Camera west: British Columbia on film, 1941-1965, including new information on films produced before 1941 [print]
- Canada and Canadians in feature films: a filmography, 1928-1990 [print]
- Canada on film and video [print]
- Canadian feature film index, 1913-1985. 1987 [print]
- Canadian feature films: 1913-1969 [print]
- Canadian film and video: a bibliography and guide to the literature [print]
- Directors and their films: a comprehensive reference, 1895-1990 [print]
- Feature films, 1940-1949: a United States filmography [print]
- Feature films, 1950-1959: a United States filmography [print]
- Feature films, 1960-1969: a filmography of English-language and major foreign-language United States releases [print]
- Film and television: a guide to the reference literature [print]
- The film researcher's handbook: a guide to sources in North America, South America, Asia, Australasia and Africa [online or print]
- Index to critical film reviews in British and American film periodicals, together with: Index to critical reviews of books about film [1930-72] [print]
- The International film index, 1895-1990 [print]
- Motion picture guide, 1927-1983 [print]
- Motion picture production in British Columbia, 1898-1940: a brief historical background and catalogue [print]
- National Film Board of Canada [online or print]
- The NFB film guide: the productions of the National Film Board of Canada from 1939 to 1989 [print]
- Silent films, 1877-1996: a critical guide to 646 movies [print]