Researching the Millennium Development Goals
Published by Mark BodnarI just noticed that one of the major academic publishers has opened up free access to many of their journal articles for a limited time in support of the Millenium Development Goals.

From the Taylor & Francis Group:
Established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals were formed to galvanise efforts to meet the needs of the world's poorest. Eight goals were defined and twenty-one targets were set to be completed by 2015.
To mark the final year of this programme, Taylor & Francis Group are delighted to be offering free access to selected research related to each of the eight Millennium Development Goals.
In fact, SFU researchers already have access to almost all of the same articles, but a curated collection like this is still useful: if you are researching poverty, sustainability, gender equality, or any of the other MDGs, it can be very handy to have someone pre-select some initial readings for you... and you can always branch out by exploring the references in those articles.
As mentioned above, the Millennium Development Goals were set to be completed this year. The new targets are called the Sustainable Development Goals. See our earlier post for some research tips focused on potential business aspects of the SDGs.
-- MarkB
On behalf of your goal-oriented business/economics librarians:
- Mark Bodnar (Business – Burnaby):
- Megan Sorenson (Business – Vancouver):
- Ania Dymarz (Business – Surrey):
- Carla Graebner (Economics – Burnaby):