Introducing Covidence, a web-based platform to streamline review research
Published by Mark BodnarSFU researchers now have access to an institutional subscription to Covidence, a web-based platform designed to make conducting a comprehensive literature review much simpler and faster.
Although it's most commonly used for systematic or scoping reviews, Covidence can support and streamline essentially any sort of knowledge synthesis project, including less formal reviews required in some graduate-level assignments. The platform allows you to do your citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and exportation of data and references all in one place. It also supports seamless remote collaboration with co-authors.
Start with the SFU Library's Covidence page to register for an account and for links to training and support materials such as the Covidence Knowledge Base.
For more on Covidence and its role in a review project, watch this short (4:08m) introductory video from its publishers:
If you are new to the sorts of review research methodology supported by Covidence, check out these SFU Library guides:
Finally, a brief note specifically about business & economics angles to this valuable tool: Covidence appears to be most commonly used by researchers in the health/medical fields, but it is absolutely relevant to work done in all disciplines that rely on evidence-based practice. See below for a small sample of recent articles that have utilized Covidence as part of their methodology.
Good luck with your research!
— Mark
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian
Small sample of recent articles in which Covidence played a role:
Shu, C., Hashmi, H. B. A., Xiao, Z., Haider, S. W., & Nasir, M. (2022). How Do Islamic Values Influence CSR? A Systematic Literature Review of Studies from 1995–2020. Journal of Business Ethics, 181(2), 471–494.
Hoye, R., & Kappelides, P. (2021). The psychological contract and volunteering: A systematic review. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 31(4), 665–691.
Kreshpaj, B., Orellana, C., Burström, B., Davis, L., Hemmingsson, T., Johansson, G., Kjellberg, K., Jonsson, J., Wegman, D. H., & Bodin, T. (2020). What is precarious employment? A systematic review of definitions and operationalizations from quantitative and qualitative studies. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 46(3), 235–247.
McCartney, G., Hearty, W., Arnot, J., Popham, F., Cumbers, A., & McMaster, R. (2019). Impact of Political Economy on Population Health: A Systematic Review of Reviews. American Journal of Public Health, 109(6), e1–e12.
Bench, S., Eassom, E., & Poursanidou, K. (2018). The nature and extent of service user involvement in critical care research and quality improvement: A scoping review of the literature. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42(2), 217–231.
Yuasa, A., Yonemoto, N., LoPresti, M. et al. (2021). Use of Productivity Loss/Gain in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses for Drugs: A Systematic Review. PharmacoEconomics 39, 81–97.
Ufodike, A., Egbe, I., Ogharanduku, B.O., and Akinyemi, T.E. (forthcoming - currently available via SSRN). The sociology of exclusion: A knowledge synthesis of anti-Black racism in accounting research. Accounting Perspectives.
Tod, E., Shipton, D., McCartney, G. et al. (2022). What is the potential for plural ownership to support a more inclusive economy? A systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 11(76).