On this page
What is Covidence?
Covidence is a web-based literature review tool that will help you through the process of screening your references, data extraction, and keeping track of your work. It is particularly useful for researchers conducting systematic reviews, scoping reviews, meta-analyses, and other related methods of evidence synthesis, as well as for developing clinical guidelines.
Covidence is closely aligned with the literature review needs of the Health Sciences, but is also flexible enough to be useful in a range of disciplines, such as Psychology, Gerontology, and more. It is particularly suitable for advanced reviews conducted by graduate students, post-docs, faculty and other professionals, including those reviews done collaboratively.
With Covidence you will be able to:
- import citations from your reference manager
- screen titles and abstracts
- upload references
- screen full texts
- create custom tables for data extraction
- populate risk of bias tables
- export reference lists or data.
Getting started with a Covidence account
Sign up for an account here. Please note you will need an @sfu.ca email to create an account. Please use your SFU email with the format, 'flastname@sfu.ca' , not ''firstname_lastname@sfu.ca', for instance, bsharp@sfu.ca, not becky_sharp@sfu.ca.
Collection Notice
Covidence collects personal information on behalf of SFU under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1996, c.468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c.165). The personal information collected includes your name, your SFU email address, your role at SFU, your SFU department, and resident city. It is related directly to and needed to assist in the systematic reviews of research. The information will be used to create an account with Covidence. The information may be disclosed to Covidence and/or their affiliated partners. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact Associate Dean of Libraries, Digital Strategy at mjordan@sfu.ca
Disclosure Notice
Pursuant to the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165), by using this service you consent to Simon Fraser University’s disclosure of your personal information, outside Canada as necessary. You further understand that Covidence is an Australian company which supports systemic reviews of research data. In using this service, you acknowledge and understand that your personal information may be disclosed to Covidence, its employees, and service providers and such personal information can include your name, your SFU email address, your role at SFU, your SFU department, and resident city.
Using Covidence: Orientation and training
All Covidence training, including help with learning how to use the database, is provided by Covidence.
More information and training:
- Covidence Knowledge Base: Links to common questions.
- Covidence Academy: All of Covidence's learning materials organized into a single space.
- Covidence YouTube Channel
- Covidence 101 Monthly Live Webinar: Register for a live webinar or click the link to access a pre-recorded webinar available immediately.
Support and technical assistance
Technical support
Software support and troubleshooting is provided by Covidence.
Priority support: Covidence provides ongoing email support to all users of SFU Library's Institutional subscription. Email support is available 24 hours per day, and queries are usually answered within 24 hours: support@covidence.org.
Knowledge base: Covidence FAQs and self-serve support page.
SFU Library support
For questions about literature reviews in general, search strategies, research databases available at SFU Library, or other subject-specific queries, please feel free to contact your departmental liaison librarian.