Hundreds of ebooks and articles on sustainability: Sustainable Organization Library
Published by Mark BodnarSustainability is an underlying theme in many areas of research these days -- CSR, corporate governance, ethics, environmental policy and management, and beyond -- a theme that the SFU Library aims to support with resources such as the Sustainable Organization Library.
The Sustainable Organization Library gives SFU's researchers access to hundreds of ebooks on sustainability topics, all of which include the ability to download chapter PDFs for offline reading. A few examples of the many titles included...
- User integration in sustainable product development : organisational learning through boundary-spanning processes
- Inspirational guide for the implementation of PRME : placing sustainability at the heart of management education
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability
- Advances in business in Asia : the opportunities, threats, and future trends of businesses in China, India and the ASEAN countries
- What is sustainable technology? : perceptions, paradoxes and possibilities
- The map of meaning : a guide to sustaining our humanity in the world of work
This collection also includes deeper backfiles of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship and the International Journal of Management Cases, along with another access point to Greener Management International: The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice. A few examples of the articles available in these journals (kudos if you can figure out what these articles have in common):
- Achieving Sustainable Value: Sustainability Portfolio Assessment
- Broadening the Notion of Governance from the Organisation to the Domain
- Social Capital in Firm--Stakeholder Networks
- Convening Stakeholder Networks
Need more on sustainability? Consider the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability or the ESG data in Bloomberg or Corporate Knights magazine or the Clean Capitalism Report or the SFU Library's guide to Sustainable Business research resources... Or just contact your friendly librarians... :-)