SFU Library blog, BUEC Buzz, with colourful banner showing students

A current awareness resource for students & faculty members in Business & Economics

Ready... set... analyze! Datasets designed for research methods classes

Published by Mark Bodnar

Thanks to support from KEY, SFU's Big Data Initiative, SFU researchers now have access to a collection of practice datasets optimized for use in classroom exercises or in exam papers:  Sage Research Methods Datasets.

Screen capture fro within Sage Research Methods Datasets showing the main search box.  

This collection of teaching datasets can be used to support the teaching and independent learning of quantitative and qualitative analytical methods common in the social sciences. These are datasets taken from real research projects, but edited and cleaned for teaching purposes -- saving you hours sourcing and cleaning...

<Read on for links to a few examples of the datasets available, and more!>

Deep dive into research methods: CARMA Short Courses in Detroit

Published by Mark Bodnar

Image of the logo for CARMA: Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis

I've mentioned our CARMA video library and live webcasts a few times in the past, but I don't think I've talked about their in-person, Short Courses.

SFU is a member of CARMA (Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis), which means that our faculty and students get deep discounts on any in-person courses that CARMA arranges... and I see there are couple such sessions coming up in early June at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan... <more>

Researching diversity: CARMA live webcast this Friday

Published by Mark Bodnar

Another CARMA live webcast is coming up this Friday.  This one looks to be most relevant to our Organizational Behaviour/HRM researchers, but it's possible that some of the international business people may also find it useful. (All are welcome, of course!)

When: Friday, Nov. 4th, 9am (PST)

More good CARMA! (Online library of research methods videos)

Published by Mark Bodnar

A double dose of good CARMA news before the first series of fall storms hits us tonight... 

1.  Our trial* license to the CARMA Video Library has been extended for another year!

(Note: CARMA = The Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis)


2.  The first CARMA webcast of the 2016/17 academic year has now been posted to their archive and is available for you to view in the comfort of your office or home... I suspect that the "strategic management" perspective of this webcast will make it particularly relevant to BUEC Buzz readers: 

Dr. Herman Aguinis on: "The When and Why of Effects: Moderation and Mediation in Strategic Management Research"

Abstract: For decades, hypotheses that involve moderation and mediation have been central to strategic management research and many other fields ...


Good CARMA for all! *Research methods* streaming video collection available for SFU researchers

Published by Mark Bodnar

Overwhelmed trying to tease out trends in a Big Data dataset? Perplexed by panel methods in strategy research? Curious about the publishing criteria for qualitative research? Have we got a resource for you!

We are very pleased to announce that SFU researchers now have online access to over a hundred lectures on advanced research methods topics.  Look for the CARMA Video Library on our alphabetical list of databases.