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Deep dive into research methods: CARMA Short Courses in Detroit

Published by Mark Bodnar

I've mentioned our CARMA video library and live webcasts a few times in the past, but I don't think I've talked about their in-person, Short Courses.

Image of the logo for CARMA: Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and AnalysisSFU is a member of CARMA (Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis), which means that our faculty and students get deep discounts on any in-person courses that CARMA arranges... and I see there are couple such sessions coming up in early June at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan:

Session I: June 5th & 6th (full days), June 7th (AM half day)

  • "Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling" - Dr. Larry Williams, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • "Advanced SEM I: Measurement Invariance, Latent Growth Modeling, & Nonrecursive Modeling" - Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia 
  • "Introduction to Multilevel Analysis" - Dr. James LeBreton, Pennsylvania State University 
  • "Introduction to R" - Dr. Scott Tonidandel, Davidson College 
  • "Introduction to Big Data and Data Mining" - Dr. Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University 
  • "Intermediate Regression: Multivariate/Logistic, Mediation/Moderation" - Dr. Ron Landis, Illinois Institute of Technology

Session II: June 8th & 9th (full days), June 10th (AM half day)

  • "Intermediate SEM: Model Evaluation" - Dr. Larry Williams, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • "Advanced SEM II: Missing Data Issue in SEM, Multi-Level SEM and Latent Interactions" - Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia  
  • "Advanced Multilevel Anaylsis" - Dr. Paul Bliese, University of South Carolina 
  • "Multivariate Statistics with R" - Dr. Steve Culpepper, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 
  • "Analysis of Big Data" - Dr. Fred Oswald, Rice University
  • "Advanced Regression: Alternatives to Difference Scores, Polynomial & Response Surface Methods" - Dr. Lisa Lambert, Georgia State University & Dr. Jeff Edwards, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (participating virtually)

More information on CARMA and its Short Courses, including course descriptions, instructor biographies, preview videos from the instructors, registration information, residence halls and hotels, can be found here.

If you're interested in attending these sessions, access CARMA via the SFU Library, then login to your personal CARMA account (or create one), then go to the User Area and look for a link to Purchase Short Courses.  

Finally, a reminder that our subscription to CARMA is still just on a trial basis (expiring Aug. 31). If you find the Short Courses, video library, and live webcasts useful, please do send feedback to Nicole White (ngjertse@sfu.ca).  

-- MarkB
Mark Bodnar
Economics & Business Librarian

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