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More good CARMA! (Online library of research methods videos)

Published by Mark Bodnar

A double dose of good CARMA news before the first series of fall storms hits us tonight... 


1.  Our trial* license to the CARMA Video Library has been extended for another year!

(Note: CARMA = The Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis)

If you viewed any of CARMA's live or archived webcasts over the last year, you'll already know that extending the trial means SFU researchers get continued access to an online library of over 100 extremely detailed and useful research methodology webcasts, plus SFU researchers can take part in several new live webcasts each year -- a great way to learn while rubbing elbows with researchers from other parts of SFU who have similar interests.  

If all of that is new to you, check out my initial post on CARMA to learn more:  Good CARMA for all! *Research methods* streaming video collection available for SFU researchers


2.  The first CARMA webcast of the 2016/17 academic year has now been posted to their archive and is available for you to view in the comfort of your office or home... I suspect that the "strategic management" perspective of this webcast will make it particularly relevant to BUEC Buzz readers: 

Dr. Herman Aguinis on: "The When and Why of Effects: Moderation and Mediation in Strategic Management Research"


For decades, hypotheses that involve moderation and mediation have been central to strategic management research and many other fields such as organizational behavior, human resource management, and industrial and organizational psychology.

Moderation represents the "when" of effects because it addresses whether the magnitude of the effect of an antecedent (e.g., organizational structure or strategy) on firm outcomes depends on contingency factors, such as the uncertainty and instability of the environment and the products and services produced by the firm.

On the other hand, mediation points to the "why" of effects because it addresses whether an intervening variable or mechanism transmits the effect of an antecedent variable on an outcome. For instance, mediation is captured by the notion that the effect of the competitive environment on firm performance is transmitted by firm strategy, such that the environment influences strategic choices that in turn affect performance.

This webcast clarifies differences among moderation, partial mediation, and full mediation and identifies methodological 13 problems related to moderation and mediation from a review of articles in Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science published from 2005 to 2014.

The webcast also offers specific and actionable recommendations for improving the appropriateness and accuracy of tests of moderation and mediation. The recommendations can also be used as a checklist for editors and reviewers who evaluate manuscripts reporting tests of moderation and mediation. 

As always, if you have questions or  comments, I'm here for you!

-- MarkB
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian

* RE: "Trial" -- although our subscription is now in its second year, it is still viewed as a trial and will be re-evaluated next summer.  If you find CARMA useful, I encourage you to send feedback to Nicole White (ngjertse@sfu.ca).  Your opinion matters!  Please do let us know what you think.

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