On this page
Associations and organizations
- BC Black History Awareness Society (BCBHAS)
- Organizing Black America: an encyclopedia of African American associations
- Ontario Black History Society
- Africa Resource Knowledge Project - is an academic resource that offers journals and databases
- African American Studies Research Bibliography. Yale University Library
- African Canadian Online - York University
- Black History in Canada - by Library and Archives Canada
- Diversity Watch - Black Ryerson University School of Journalism
- Feminist Africa Archives - Feminist Africa - is a continental gender studies journal produced by the community of feminist scholars. It provides a platform for intellectual and activist research, dialogue and strategy. Feminist Africa attends to the complex and diverse dynamics of creativity and resistance that have emerged in postcolonial Africa, and the manner in which these are shaped by the shifting global geopolitical configurations of power.
- Hip-Hop Archives. W.E.B.DuBois Institute for Afro-American Research. Harvard University.
- Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. New York Public Library.
Government information
- Canadian Research Index - Includes federal, provincial and municipal government publications.
- Library Archives Canada - use Archives Search engine to search for "nurses" and find archives/collections related to them. eg. The Call to Duty - from the collection of six Canadian nursing sisters.
- Parliamentary Information and Research Service Publications - Library of Parliament Briefs on issues, Bills, etc.
United States
- US Census Bureau - Get current industrial and demographic reports, economic census data, foreign trade analysis, and much more. Statistical Abstracts of the United States
- US Department of Labor — Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Asian Development Bank
- United Nations
- U.N. Economic and Social Development Website -
- International Instruments and Treaty Bodies - legal instruments, conventions and other relevant international standards of particular importance to women's human rights and gender equality
- United Nations Entities Specializing in Gender Issues:
- UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women
- Women Watch (U.N. Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) -
- United Nations - World Health Organization, Country Profiles