Commercial scholarly networks: is there another way?
Published by Alison MooreAre you tired of receiving emails from commercial scholarly networking sites like, ResearchGate, or LinkedIn, asking you to pay for premium services?
Do you wish that there was another way to showcase your work online?
There is! It’s called ORCID. ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, and it is a not-for-profit organization that provides authors with a unique numeric identifier, known as an ORCID iD. Your ORCID iD helps distinguish you from other researchers with similar names and affiliations, and it persists throughout your scholarly career to ensure consistent, reliable attribution of your professional publications and activities.
How can ORCID help you?
Registering for an ORCID iD is a low-maintenance, hassle-free alternative to building a profile on a for-profit scholarly networking site. ORCID is different because they value your privacy: you retain control of what you share online. And they won’t send you emails about premium or subscription services.
Ready to get started with ORCID?
Claim your ORCID iD here. Registration is free, quick, and easy.
Submitting a manuscript or applying for a grant? Save time by using your ORCID iD as a sustainable online CV.
Want to learn more about researcher profiles and online presence?