Get credit for your work: Build a sustainable online CV with ORCID

Scholarly Publishing and Open Access plus a stylized book with the open access symbol

Note: This is an in-person workshop.

  About the workshop

This workshop introduces ORCID (the Open Researcher and Contributor ID), explores the benefits of a unique scholarly identifier, and helps participants set up their own ORCID iD.
ORCID is a free, open, not-for-profit organization that provides authors with a unique numeric identifier. ORCID iDs help researchers to distinguish themselves from others and automatically links their professional publications and activities.
You will leave the workshop with:
  • an ORCID iD,
  • a newly created online CV,
  • and an understanding of how to automatically keep their profile up-to-date.


Please bring:
  • a laptop
  • a copy of your CV

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