Librarians are available to visit your class or meeting to discuss publishing choices, open access publishing, predatory publishers, impact metrics, and more with students and faculty. To arrange a speaker or consultation, please contact
SFU Library support for open access publishing
SFU Central Open Access Fund
Available to eligible SFU authors who can apply for funding towards article processing charges for open access journals.
Sample language for requesting open access publishing funds from your grant
Provides sample wording to include in grant applications to request funding to cover the cost of publishing with an open access journal.
SFU Library's Digitization Fund
Covers costs associated with scanning, digitizing, and creating descriptive information of SFU scholarly materials.
Other SFU Funding
SFU University Publications Fund
Offers funding for preparing publications, including preparation of camera-ready text and/or graphics and related costs, as well as costs for copyright clearance, copy-editing, indexing, or translation.
Make your scholarship available
Summit: SFU’s Research Repository
Brings together selected scholarship and research of SFU and to promote this work to the wider world via open access.
Digital Publishing
SFU Library Digital Publishing (for SFU researchers)
Supports the SFU community in the online publication of open access journals, monographs, conference proceedings, and other scholarly materials.
Public Knowledge Project (for SFU and non-SFU researchers)
A multi-university initiative developing (free) open source software and conducting research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. Non-SFU affiliated researchers can contact PKP for details on creating open access journals and monographs.
Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (DHIL)
Assists SFU researchers with the development of digital scholarship research by providing consultation, training, mentoring, research software development and technical support to faculty and graduate students.
Key contacts
Digital Scholarship Librarians
Scholarly communications specialists who can assist with questions related to scholarly publishing and open access.
Liaison librarians
Subject specialists who work closely with SFU departments and can assist with questions related to scholarly publishing.
SFU Copyright Office
Based in the University Library, provides information to help employees and students manage their rights and obligations under Canada's copyright law.