Web Mapping with R Shiny: Making Interactive Web Map Applications : 2025-03-06 to 2025-03-13

Map of Devastating 2003 Heat Wave in the Netherlands Observed from MODIS Satellite. Mehdi Aminipouri (PhD Candidate in Geography at SFU)

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30am to 12:30pm
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 10:30am to 12:30pm
Burnaby, Bennett Library, Rm 7010, Research Commons

All times are Pacific Time Zone (Vancouver, BC, Canada).

 About the workshop

Come to this in-person, two-part workshop to learn the fundamentals of doing spatial data analyses in R. The programming language R is very popular in the data science field, with a wide range of packages developed by a rich community to serve many data analysis needs. In this workshop, we will focus on using the ‘sf’ and ‘shiny’ packages in R to create interactive web map applications. This workshop series uses free and open-source software, so you are free to do anything that you wish with what you learn in this workshop! 

Here are some examples to demonstrate the capabilities of R Shiny and creating web maps:

 You are welcome to talk about your project ideas or how you would like to visualize or analyze your data. 

 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: 

  • Understand a few basic GIS concepts
  • Use the ‘sf’ package in R 
  • Import spatial data into R 
  • Basic spatial data operations (intersection, clip, buffers, etc.) 
  • Understand how to view and transform coordinate reference systems in R
  • Use the ‘shiny’ package in R 
  • Create an interactive web application for viewing the spatial data on the web

 Target audience

This workshop is designed for those with previous experience with R programming and are generally comfortable working with R. This should be of interest to those that would like to learn how to do basic spatial analysis and would like to publish interactive websites for this spatial data. 



Note: This is a 2-part workshop. First part is on Thursday March 6 and second part is on Thursday March 13. 

You need to attend BOTH days. Different topics are covered each day and it builds on materials covered on the previous day, so if you miss a day, we might not have the resources to help you catch up


Jay Matsushiba
Workshop Series or Group

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