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Security at Bennett Library

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: Recently I have noticed an increased amount of security in the library, with some sitting on the second floor in the areas where students study for hours on end. It's honestly kind of weird and uncomfortable to feel surveilled in a space that's so populated by students already without there being any meaningful need for security (based on my experience). Is this an intentional change that's planned to continue? 

A: There has been a temporary increase of security in the library due to the our 24/7 fire watch. You may have seen the signs posted throughout the library that campus security is patrolling the building while we update the fire detection system.

However, it is our expectation that security staff are fire watch patrolling and not sitting in areas prioritized for students. We have followed up with Campus Public Safety to share this expectation.

Leanna Jantzi
Acting Associate Dean of Libraries

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