Bennett Library (Burnaby) 5th floor updates while repairs are underway

5th floor anticipated opening: Summer 2025

The 5th floor of the WAC Bennett Library will remain closed until hazardous material remediation, repairs, and renovations are complete.

 December 2024 Updates

Renovation work that began in June 2023 is nearing completion. 

Planned for late Spring 2025:

  • Library staff will have access to the floor 
  • You will be able to request materials from the 5th floor, for pick-up at any SFU Library location (including the Bennett Library at SFU Burnaby)
  • Facilities and Systems staff will install furniture and technology.

Planned for Summer 2025:

  • We anticipate opening the 5th floor for full occupancy and use in the summer term.

  Accessing 5th floor books and other collections during the closure

Access to the collections on the 5th floor is a top priority for the Library. We recognize the importance of access to collections for research, scholarship, course planning, student assignments, and other purposes.

Here's what we are doing to provide access to researchers:

  • NEW: approximately 13,000 books from the 5th floor are now accessible on the 6th floor for browsing and borrowing, generally in Mathematics (QA) call range
  • high-demand items from the 5th floor are available on the 6th floor for browsing and borrowing
  • online access to as many 5th floor books as possible is available
  • copies of books available via interlibrary loan 
  • additional copies purchased (whether ebook or print) 

Learn more about steps we are taking to provide access to our 5th floor collections. 

 Study rooms

While the 5th floor is closed, students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) may book three study rooms, on the 2nd and 3rd floor.  (For more information, see Library study room bookings for students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).)

Graduate Student study rooms on the 5th floor are not available.


5th floor computers and printers are not available. Computers and printers are available on the 3rd, 4th and 6th floors.

Adaptive technology is available on the 3rd floor.


In November 2022, the Bennett Library on SFU’s  Burnaby campus was closed due to the potential discovery of asbestos-containing debris in the Library. While the majority of the Library has since been safely re-opened, the fifth floor of the building, where the largest concentration of debris was found, remains closed.

A remediation process that involves abatement, or total removal of the asbestos-containing texture coat, along with other repairs and renovation began in June 2023.

 Questions and answers

When will the 5th floor reopen?

We anticipate a graduated opening starting in March 2025, with material available for requests in March and full occupancy in Summer 2025.

How can I get a copy of a 5th-floor book via interlibrary loan? 

For information about about interlibrary loan see Request items from other libraries -- including the impacts of the Canada Post labour dispute. 

Returning books, renewing books, and overdue fines

 The Library has fined me for not returning books from the 5th floor.  What do I do about the fine?

If you were charged fines as a result of the 5th floor becoming unavailable, or the Library closure beginning November 14th, 2022, contact so that we can correct the error.

 Can I renew the items I checked out before the closure?

Yes. From 12 December 2022 onwards, books borrowed for a full semester or for more than one week will be auto-renewed unless they are recalled by someone else.

Requesting and borrowing books that would usually be on the 5th floor (including new books)

 May I recall or put on hold books from the 5th floor that were out when the floor was closed?

Yes. For items that are requestable, use the Request function in the Library Catalogue to place a hold.

 What is happening to new books that would usually go to the 5th floor? Can I borrow them? 

Books that have arrived since the 5th floor closure are shelved on the 6th floor and are available for borrowing.

You can also browse the most recent new books in the New Books area on the 3rd floor. 

 Contact and further questions

You can reach us at (monitored weekdays 9 - 5).

Reopening planned for 2025
W.A.C. Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby)