Equipment at Fraser Library (Surrey)

Equipment booking

IAT Course (IAT 100, 202, 244, 344 etc.) reserved booking

All other bookings or request for exceptions use Fraser library equipment request form

Policies and borrower responsibilities

Fraser Library (Surrey) loans equipment to support teaching, learning, and research by faculty, staff and students at Surrey campus.

The purpose of this policy is to provide equitable access to the equipment for curriculum use, to maximize availability of the equipment, and to minimize damage to the equipment as well as inconvenience to users.

In addition to the specific policies below, equipment loans are subject to the SFU Library Loan Policy.

Borrower's responsibilities

Borrowers must:

  • Ensure that all the equipment is complete and working before leaving the Library.
  • Use the equipment at their own risk. The Library takes no responsibility for  damages or harm to the borrower, borrower’s work, materials and property due to faulty equipment.
  • Ensure that they have sufficient training and knowledge to correctly operate the equipment borrowed.
  • Use the equipment carefully and to minimize wear and tear.
  • Notify Fraser Library immediately if the equipment is not working properly.
  • Be informed of latest due dates and to ensure that all equipment is returned on time and to pay any fines, if required.

Loan periods and fines

Loan periods and fines vary by equipment. Check your library record for due date and time.

Loan periodDue dateFines (per set)
4 hr loanDue in 4hrs or 15 min prior to Circulation desk closure, whichever is sooner

$3 per hour or portion to maximum of $200

Additional $25 if item is not returned by end of day

Overnight loan*Due next day at 12pm$3 per hour or portion to maximum of $200
2 day loan*Due on 2nd day at 12pm$3 per hour or portion to maximum of $200
1 week loan*Due on 7th day$25 per day to maximum of $200
3 week loan*Due on 21st day$25 per day to maximum of $200
*When a due date falls on a weekend or on a day which Fraser Library is closed,  the due date will be adjusted to the next open day


Fraser Library can recall equipment, for regular maintenance, extended loans, or other reasons. 

Late returns on recalled material are subject to late fees. 

Returning equipment

All equipment must be returned to Fraser Library, and given directly to Library staff. You are responsible for equipment until it is checked in. 

Equipment must be returned whole. Equipment returned with missing components may be considered not returned and Fines and penalties will apply. Components deemed  missing will be billed to the borrower.

Let the library staff know immediately if there are any damaged parts, or if the item has malfunctioned in any way. 

Equipment overdue for 14 days will be deemed lost and additional replacement and processing charges may apply.

Renewing equipment

Request renewals in person or by phone. (We cannot renew by email.)

You must request renewals before the item is due. If you renew overdue items, you will be charged overdue fines.

Library staff will grant renewals at their discretion, depending on demand.

Multiple or repeat renewals:

  • First three renewals may be done by phone by calling Surrey campus library (778-782-7411)
  • After three renewals, you must renew in person, with the equipment present, at Fraser Library (Surrey campus)

Damaged, lost or stolen equipment

Lost equipment, or equipment that is returned damaged, will be charged accordingly to Library borrowing policy.

Equipment collections at Fraser Library

Fraser Library holds 3 separate equipment collections:

School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) equipment collection

The SIAT equipment collection is available to current SIAT faculty, staff and students.  Additional loan guideline and restrictions will apply.

Equipment reserved for IAT courses (IAT 100, 202, 244, 344 etc.) can be booked online at IAT reserved Equipment Booking

Fraser Library equipment collection

The Fraser Library equipment collection is available to current SFU faculty, staff and students. 

Fraser Library equipment collection booking:

Faculty of Education equipment collection

The Education equipment collection is available to current Education faculty, staff and students.

Additional loan guideline and restrictions will apply.


Owned by: Soo Oh
Last revised: 2024-08-06