On this page
Welcome! This guide provides resources that may be useful for your final project. If you need help, please contact Ivana Niseteo, or Ask a librarian.
Translation tools
- Library resources
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Bilingual dictionaries: In the Library Catalogue/Advanced Search mode, combine terms in 'Title'/'Books', e.g. english AND german AND dictionary
- Translating and interpreting--Handbooks Manuals, etc
- Internet resource
- WordReference.com: Multiple language dictionaries and language forums
- The Translator's Home Companion: Information about resources available on the Internet for translators and interpreters
Research tools
- Background information
- Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies: The focus is on literary translation, history and traditions of translation in various countries. Includes such topics as 'Adaptation', 'Doubling', 'Quality of translation', 'Universals of translation', etc.
- A companion to translation studies (2014)
- Translation and world literature (2019)
- Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English [PN 241 E56 2000, print]: Bio-critical overviews of writers translated into English. Also includes historical translation analysis by country.
- Encyclopedia of language and linguistics: machine translation, translation history, linguistic influences on translation, translation universals, etc.
- Gale, Literary Sources : critical essays about the worlds most influential literary figures; literary commentary from 1400 to present
- BITRA. Bibliography of Interpreting and Translation. Free database that indexes scholarship in the fields of Translation and Interpreting. Created by the Universitat d'Alacant, Spain.
- Library Search (Library's Google-like search option - may have too many hits)
- Catalogue Search (Advanced Search mode recommended for best results)
- Journal article databases
- MLA International Bibliography: Articles on literature, linguistics, modern languages, and folklore
- Communication & Mass Media Complete: Articles in the field of communications, mass media, linguistics and film.
- Academic Search Premier: Articles on a range of multidisciplinary topics, including literature.
- JSTOR /Advanced search. Select 'Articles' to eliminate 'book reviews'.
- Project Muse
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: Articles on 'intersemiotic translation', 'translation and culture', etc.
- Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text: Articles on literature adaptations, stage adaptations, translations, etc.
Translation theory
- In the Library Catalogue (Advanced Search mode) search by 'Subject': Translating and interpreting. Combine the results with a keyword, e.g. 'culture'.
Finding translations
- In the Library Catalogue/Advanced Search mode combine the term "translated" with an author's name in quotation marks, e.g. "isabel allende" AND translated
- WorldCat database: find information on translations of a book in different languages
- Combine author's name (or a book title) and the keyword 'translation'. Click on 'Editions and Formats' to find a list.
SFU journals on literary translation (selection)
- L'actualité langagière = Language update (print)
- Babel: International Journal of Translators
- JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation
- Journal of translation
- Machine translation
- Metamorphoses : journal of the Five College Literary Translation Seminar
- Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
- TransCulturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies
- Translation and literature
- Translation journal
- Translation Studies
- In Library Catalogue/Advanced mode/Journals type in 'translation AND periodicals' to find a more complete list.
Translation associations
- Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC)
- Literary Translators' Association of Canada (LTAC) (affiliated with the International Federation of Translators (FIT).
- American Literary Translators Association: the only organization in the US dedicated solely to literary translation
- Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC): Offers the only residency program for literary translators in North America
Other resources
- Three Percent: a destination for readers, editors, and translators interested in finding out about modern and contemporary international literature
- How to write an annotated bibliography: SFU Library guide
Publish your final project?
- WL 404 journal (hosted on the Open Journal Systems)