World Languages and Literatures information resources: Books & articles

Finding books at the Library

To find books at the library, use the Library Catalogue.

If you are looking for books on a topic, begin with a Keyword search and refine your results by selecting Books, then look for Subjects in the records of individual books and click on these to find books whose main topic matches the Subjects.

Or, you may wish to explore the Library's World Literatures books in the Catalogue, using Subjects. Go to Advanced Search mode and select 'Browse Search' at the top of the screen.  Try some of the following Subjects:

  • Literature, Comparative
  • Literature, Comparative--African and American
  • Chinese Literature
  • South African Literature
  • Translation Studies

Journal article databases

Try these key databases to find journal articles, conference proceedings, and other research resources on your topic:

  • MLA International Bibliography: Articles on literature, linguistics, modern languages, and folklore
  • Academic Search Premier: Articles on a range of multidisciplinary topics, including literature
  • Humanities Source: Articles on a range of humanities and social science topics, including literature
  • JSTOR: Core journals in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Does not contain the most current issues of journals.
  • Project MUSE: Core journals in the humanities and social sciences
  • Web of Science: Allows keyword searching plus the ability to find out who cited a particular journal article and who was cited in a particular journal article. Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI).

Or, view the complete list of WLL databases available.

Selected journals featuring literature in translation

Selected journals featuring literary criticism