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Contact info
For Library research help, please contact Moninder Lalli, Librarian for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies by email ( ) or Ask a librarian.
Selected encyclopedias and handbooks
- Domestic violence and abuse : a reference handbook
- Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence
- Encyclopedia of human rights
- Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence
- Encyclopedia of Rape and Sexual Violence [2 Volumes]
- Encyclopedia of violence, peace, & conflict
- Handbook of child sexual abuse identification, assessment, and treatment
- Handbook of Sex Trafficking: Feminist Transnational Perspectives
- Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention
- Online encyclopedia of mass violence
- Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence
- Routledge international handbook of crime and gender studies
- Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking
- Routledge handbook of human trafficking
- Routledge handbook of the politics of the #MeToo movement
- Routledge international handbook of human trafficking : a multi-disciplinary and applied approach
- Routledge International Handbook of Violence Studies
- Women and war: a historical encyclopedia from antiquity to the present
Research process
Start Your Research Here -- This page gives you an overview of the research process, or in other words how to find materials for your essay.
Find journal articles
How to find journal articles
Search for journal articles on your topic using the databases, below.
Use the "Get@SFU" icon will to find copies of articles which are not full-text within the database or to request the article through Inter-Library Loans.
- Women's Studies International Major index for Women's Studies
- ProQuest Sociology Collection - for issues related to class, gender, racism, sexuality and sexism and theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science. For information of immigrants, racism, society, structural barriers, etc.
- Social Sciences Citation Index: Multi-disciplinary social sciences index which allows citation searching
- CBCA Complete -- for Canadian topics. Indexes scholarly journal articles, trade publications, dissertations, books, newspapers and magazines
- PsycINFO: The most inclusive database for research in psychology. PsycINFO Quick Guide
- Education Source [search tips] - A comprehensive education database, covering all levels of education from early childhood to higher education as well as multilingual education, health education and testing. Includes journals, books, conference papers, book reviews and educational tests.
- Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text - Index to all aspects of criminal justice, including psychological
- MEDLINE / PubMed - biomedical and health literature, covering research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and health care services
- Web of Science - multidisciplinary database covering the sciences, and provides citation counts, journal impact factors, and more
- CINAHL Complete - database focused on nursing and allied health
- Global Health - covers global health, biomedical life sciences, non-communicable diseases, public health nutrition, food safety and hygiene, and much more
- Google Scholar -- multi-displinary - use this database by going through the the Library's link to search for articles
- CanLII Canadian case law and statutes
- HeinOnline - Law and law-related research material, including legal journals, government documents, classic legal treatises, and world trials. Contains Canadian, American and international laws and agreements.
Canada Commons (formerly, Canadian Electronic Library from desLibris) - for public policy documents from Canadian institutes, think-tanks and research groups. - ELDIS Gateway to Development Information - Fulltext of research & policy documents on ageing, gender, globalization, health and more.
Find books in the Library
The Library Catalogue provides access to books, journal articles, videos, government documents and much more.
Library Catalogue search guide
Search the SFU Library Catalogue, either the Basic or the Advanced search
Note: In the searches below, search results can be limited to "Resource type" of "Books", and by "Subject"
- "intimate partner violence" OR IPV OR "wife abuse" OR "spousal abuse" OR "wife batter*") AND femini* AND theor*
(results limited by selected subjects) - (abuse* OR assault" OR batter* OR violen* OR rape) AND (women OR wife OR girl* OR female*)
- "#MeToo"
- misogyn*
- "rape culture"
- feminis* AND (rage OR anger OR violen* OR harrass* OR bully* OR racis*) AND (ads OR advertis*)
- (Child* OR adolescen* OR youth OR teen* OR girl* OR boy*) AND (abuse OR incest* OR rape OR assult*)
- (women OR girls) AND genocide
- (women OR girls) AND (genocide OR war)
- transphobia OR homophobia
- (trans OR queer OR lgbt* OR homosexual* OR lesbian OR gay) AND (violen* OR abus* OR assault* OR rape)
Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words
Use pulldown menu and select, "Source Types" as "Books"
Note: For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")
Selected books
- A blueprint for Canada's national action plan on violence against women and girls
- Attitudes Related to Gender-Based Violence and #MeToo in Canada
- Beijing + 25, the fifth review of the implementation of the Beijing platform for action in the EU Member States: area D, Violence against women : response and eradication
- Bonobo sisterhood : revolution through female alliance
- Building a National Narrative : A Select Review of Domestic Violence Policies, Legislation, and Services Across Canada
- Cyberbullying : dealing with online meanness, cruelty and threats
- Digital Feminist Activism: Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture
- Disrupting rape culture : public space, sexuality and revolt
- Elder Abuse in the LGBTQ2SA+ Community: The Impact of Homophobia and Transphobia
- Empowered: Popular Feminism and Popular Misogyny [print]
- Every 90 seconds : our common cause ending violence against women
- Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide
- Gendered violence in public spaces : women's narratives of travel in neoliberal India
- Global perspectives on violence against women and girls
- Impact of Trauma on Adult Sexual Assault Victims
- International law and violence against women : Europe and the Istanbul Convention
- International sex trafficking of women & children : understanding the global epidemic [print]
- It’s Time : Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence
- Just sex? : the cultural scaffolding of rape
- Keetsahnak : our missing and murdered Indigenous sisters
- Macho Paradox : Why Some Men Hurt Women and and How All Men Can Help
- Making Sense of a Global Pandemic: Relationship Violence & Working Together Towards a Violence Free Society (2020) [OPEN ACCESS]
- #MeToo Movement
- #MeToo, Weinstein and feminism
- Missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada [film]
- Preventing sexual violence : interdisciplinary approaches to overcoming a rape culture
- Rape culture on campus
- Re-Imagining Hate Crime: Transphobia, Visibility and Victimisation
- Sexual assault in Canada : law, legal practice, and women's activism
- Sexual harassment online : shaming and silencing women in the digital age
- Sexual Violence at Canadian Universities : Activism, Institutional Responses, and Strategies for Change [print]
- Sexual violence on campus : power-conscious approaches to awareness, prevention, and response
- Social dynamics of family violence
- Social Work and LGBTQ Sexual Trauma Casebook : Phenomenological Perspectives
- Surviving Abuse and Building Resilience : A Study of Canada's Systems of Shelters and Transition Houses Serving Women and Children Affected by Violence
- Surviving domestic abuse : formal and informal supports and services
- A survivor's education : women, violence, and the stories we don't tell
- Trans Individuals Lived Experiences of Harm: Gender, Identity and Recognition
- Transphobic Hate Crime
- Understanding the Sexual Betrayal of Boys and Men: The Trauma of Sexual Abuse
- Voices of #MeToo : from grassroots activism to a viral roar / Carly Gieseler [print]
- We believe you : survivors of campus sexual assault speak out [print]
- Women and gendered violence in Canada : an intersectional approach
- Women and Genocide Gendered Experiences of Violence, Survival, and Resistance [print]
- Women and genocide : survivors, victims, perpetrators
- Working with violent men: from resistance to change talk in probation domestic abuse programmes
- Bullying scars : the impact on adult life and relationships
- Cyberbullying bullying in the digital age
- Cyberbullying : empowering children and youth to be safe online and responsible digital citizens
- From marginalized to magnified : youth homelessness solutions from those with lived expertise
- Helping children learn about domestic abuse and coercive control : a professional guide
- Invisible chains : Canada's underground world of human trafficking [print]
- Moving Forward in the Fight Against Human Trafficking in Canada
- Paedophiles in society : reflecting on sexuality, abuse and hope
- Parents killing children : crossing the invisible line
- Practical Approaches to Bullying
- Rape of childhood : developmental, clinical, and sociocultural aspects of childhood sexual abuse
- Tell me what happened : questioning children about abuse
- Too many victims : sexualized violence in the lives of children and youth in care : an aggregate review
- Understanding and Treating Military Sexual Trauma
Subject headings
Use "Browse by subject" to find books by topic (use the pull-down menu and change "title" to "subject"). Also try searching for "Subject heading" -- [country or region]
- Abused Wives
- Abused Women
- Acquaintance rape
- Bullying
- Child prostitution
- Child slavery
- Child sexual abuse
- Children and violence
- Children -- Violence against
- Cyberbullying
- Date rape
- Domestic violence
- Family violence
- Girls -- Crimes against
- Homeless youth
- Human trafficking
- Human Trafficking -- International Law
- Indian women -- Violence against -- Canada -- Prevention
- Indigenous women -- Abuse of
- Indigenous women -- Crimes against -- Canada
- Intimate partner violence
- Marital violence
- Rape
- Rape -- Prevention
- Rape -- Psychological aspects
- Rape as a weapon of war
- Rape in mass media
- Rape in universities and colleges
- Rape trauma syndrome
- Rape victims
- Sex crimes
- Sex crimes -- Canada
- Sex crimes -- Prevention
- Sexism -- [name of country]
- Sexual harrassment
- Sexism in Language
- Spouse abuse
- Spousal abuse
- Teenage girls -- Violence against
- Victims of family violence
- Violence in video games
- Wife abuse -- British Columbia
- Women -- Crimes against
- Women -- Violence against
- Women's shelters
- Young women -- Violence against
- Government of Canada. House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO)
- Statistics Canada Online Catalogue of Products and Services
United States
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Violence Prevention
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Violence Against Women
- UN Women. UN Women also serves as the Secretariat for the Network.
- World Health Organization
- World Economic Forum
Feminist theory website
- Feminist Theory Website - "provides research materials" - fields within feminism; national and ethnic feminisms; Individual feminists
Other websites
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Women’s Foundation (http://www.canadianwomen.org/facts-about-violence)
- Canadian Women's Health Network
- Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence
- FREDA Centre for Violence Against Women
- Maquila Solidarity Network - solidarity with grassroots groups in Mexico, Central America, and Asia
- National Association of Women and the Law
- Publications on Violence
- National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence (HRC)
- National Organization for Women- the largest feminist activist organization in the United States
- National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
- Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships (NEVR)
- Gurm, B., Salgado, G., Marchbank, J., & Early, S. D. (2020). Making Sense of a Global Pandemic: Relationship Violence & Working Together Towards a Violence Free Society. Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Surrey, BC. Ebook ISBN 978-1-989864-14-2 or Print ISBN 978-1-989864-13-5. https://kpu.pressbooks.pub/nevr/
- University of Western Ontario. Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children (CREVAWC)