On this page
- Contact info
- Research process
- Selected encyclopedias and handbooks
- Databases
- Films & popular culture
- Health & psychology
- Multi-disciplinary
- Primary sources
- Selected journals
- Writing film criticism
- Find books in the Library
- Selected books
- Browse subject headings for books
- Feminist theory website
- Writing an annotated bibliography
- Citing films
Contact info
For Library research help, please contact Moninder Lalli, Librarian for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies or Ask a librarian.
Research process
Start Your Research Here - This page gives you an overview of the research process, or in other words how to find materials for your essay.
Selected encyclopedias and handbooks
- Cambridge companion to erotic literature
- Encyclopedia of sex and gender
- The Film Encyclopedia [online or print] - entries on the artistic, technical, and commercial aspects of movie making
- Wosick K. (2015) Pornography. In: DeLamater J., Plante R. (eds) Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/10.1007/978-3-319-17341-2_23
- Schirmer encyclopedia of film [online or print]
Databases let you easily to search for articles from within scholarly journals for a discipline.
How to find journal articles tutorial.
What is a scholarly (or peer-reviewed) journal?
If the full-text of the article is not available within the database then use the "Get@SFU" link to find it or to initiate an inter-library loan request.
- Women's Studies International for any issues related to gender, sexuality and women's studies
- ProQuest Sociology Collection - for issues related to class, gender, racism, sexuality and sexism and theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science.
- Social Sciences Citation Index: Multidisciplinary social sciences index which allows citation searching
- Academic Search Premier -- Covers many GSWS journals. "Limit" search results to "academic" or "scholarly" sources
Films & popular culture
- Film & Television Literature Index: International index to scholarly and popular journal literature on film, television and video.
- Film Literature Index (FLI): Citations to journal articles, film reviews and book reviews published between 1976-2001. For later years consult the Film and Television Literature Index.
- Communication & Mass Media Complete: Indexing & abstracts for over 300 journals in the fields of communication, mass media studies, linguistics and film including full text for nearly 200 journals
Health & psychology
- CINAHL Complete - database focused on nursing and allied health
- Global Health - covers global health, biomedical life sciences, non-communicable diseases, public health nutrition, food safety and hygiene, and much more
- Project MUSE Search - Current humanities and social sciences peer-reviewed academic journals and ebooks from university presses and scholarly societies world-wide.
- PsycINFO: The most inclusive database for research in psychology. PsycINFO Quick Guide
- JSTOR Searchable, archival collection (not current 5 to 7 years) of core scholarly arts, humanities and social sciences journals
- Oxford Bibliographies Online Lists key books, articles, and other sources on a wide variety of subjects via annotated and curated bibliographies. An excellent starting point for locating important literature and scholarly sources on a topic. Focuses on the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Also included are bibliographies on film, cinema, and directors.
- Search: pornography
- Google Scholar - Indexes the full text of articles, books, reports, academic web sites, reports, etc. Good for cross-disciplinary and emerging fields of research.
- Search results limited to words in the title of document, using "intitle:".
- No need to use "AND" to join different concepts (done automatically by Google)
- Use capital "OR" for synonyms.
- Put braces "()" around words that mean the same thing.
- Citation searching
- Search for your "key" article. Check the link "cited by" right beneath the reference to that article
For more tips, check: Search tips for Google, Google Scholar, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines [guide]
Primary sources
- Archives of Sexuality & Gender A collection of primary sources on social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities around the world since 1940. Rare and unique content from newsletters, organisational papers, government documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and other types of primary sources sheds light on the gay rights movement, activism, the HIV/AIDS crisis, and more.
- Use the "Advanced" search or "Topic finder" to search for topics
- film* or cinema or "motion picture*"
- [name of a film] and ("review or critic*")
- porn*
Selected journals
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine (1933 on)
- Health and History (1998 - 2020)
- International Journal of Transgender Health
- formerly (2005-2019): The international journal of transgenderism
- Isis (by the History of Science Society) (from 1913 on)
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (from 1946 on)
- Medical Anthropology (from 1997 on)
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
- Medical History (1957 on)
- Medicine Anthropology Theory (from 1983 on)
- Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (from 1957 on)
- Porn studies (from 2014 on)
- Social History of Medicine (from 1988 on)
- Transgender Health
- Transgender Studies Quarterly
Writing film criticism
- An introduction to film analysis : technique and meaning in narrative film [print]
- A short guide to writing about film / Timothy Corrigan [online is on order] [print]
- The language and style of film criticism [online] [print]
For more, try the Library guide: Writing about film
Find books in the Library
How to use the Library Catalogue [guide]
Search by topic, using Basic or Advanced Search. For known items it is best to use "Browse by title" search.
Try searching by keywords and then limit by "Subject" (left-hand column) and "Resource type" of "books":
- (lgbt OR lesbian OR gay OR bisexual OR trans OR transgender OR queer) AND (cinema OR film* OR "motion pictures") AND (porn* OR obscen*)
- (women OR girl* OR gender) AND (cinema OR film* OR "motion pictures") AND (porn* OR obscen*)
- (porn* OR anti-porn* OR obscen*)
- (criminal* OR policing) AND sex*
Names of films, directors or actors
To find books on cinema from a different culture
- (lgbt OR lesbian OR gay OR bisexual OR trans OR transgender OR queer) AND (cinema OR film* OR "motion pictures") AND [name of a group or country]
Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words
Note: For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")
Look at the titles in the "results list" and for those books that look relevant, click on their subject headings to find more books on that topic.
Selected books
- Anti-porn : the resurgence of anti-pornography feminism [print]
- Battling pornography : the American feminist anti-pornography movement, 1976-1986 [print]
- Bigger than life the history of gay porn cinema from Beefcake to Hardcore
- Bodies of work : the labour of sex in the digital age
- Color of kink : black women, BDSM, and pornography [print]
- Tainted love : screening sexual perversion [print]
Browse subject headings for books
Browse by Subject (change the default "title" to "subject"). Browse by Subject will only result in books, not book chapters or journal articles.
- Gays in motion pictures
- Gender identity in motion pictures
- Homosexuality in motion pictures
- Lesbians in motion pictures
- Pornographic films
- Pornography
- Pornography -- [name of region or country]
- Pornography - Psychological aspects
- Pornography -- Social aspects
- Pornography in popular culture
- Sex in mass media
- Sex in motion pictures
- Sexual minorities in motion pictures
- Transgender people in motion pictures
- Transsexuals in motion pictures
To find films from a particular country, but not necessarily related to sexual identity
Motion pictures--[specific geographical place]; Examples, below:
- Motion Pictures -- Africa
- Motion Pictures -- Canada
- Motion pictures - China
- Motion pictures - India
- Motion Pictures -- Japan
- Motion pictures - Spain
- Motion pictures - Taiwan
Feminist theory website
- Feminist Theory Website - "provides research materials" - fields within feminism; national and ethnic feminisms; Individual feminists
Writing an annotated bibliography
The guide below provides information on how to write an annotated bibliography.
How to Write an Annotated Bibliography