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Private Equity data via Thomson Reuters Eikon + Datastream

Published by Mark Bodnar

Attentive BUEC Buzz readers may have noticed the brief reference to Private Equity data in our announcement a couple weeks ago about Thomson Reuters Eikon + Datastream

image of the private equity screener button from within the Eikon databaseIf your research touches on private equity and venture capital firms, funds, and portfolio companies around the world, then you will definitely want to learn more about the PE module in our new database! 

From the publisher: 


  • Detailed profiles of 21,000+ Private Equity/Venture Capital firms, with 48,000+ funds with history dating back to the 1970s
    • Coverage statistics include fund investment focus, fund size, funds under management, portfolio company details, and portfolio allocations
  • Investment Activity information for over 277,000 investments, including round date, amount and participating investments
    • Coverage statistics include Americas: 186,000+, EMEA: 60,000+, Asia/Pacific: 30,000+
  • Comprehensive profiles for 126,000+ currently and formerly PE/VC backed companies, including company descriptions, key facts & officers/directors, current and historical investors, and investment round details
    • Coverage statistics include over 30,000 currently backed by Private Equity/Venture Capital
    • Total coverage of 5.7 million+ global private companies

Screen capture from Eikon showing the search/filter screen for private equity. Intended to highlight the many Private Equity variables that could be searched & retrieved.

For more details, check out this brochure from Thomson Reuters, or come in and explore the database yourself...

Thomson Reuters Eikon + Datastream is now installed on standalone computers in our Bennett (Burnaby) and Belzberg (Vancouver) libraries, as well as on one of the Bloomberg terminals (#3) in the trading room of the Segal Graduate School of Business (restricted access to that last location).  We're still working on installing it in our library at the Surrey campus.

As mentioned earlier, we will be highlighting different features of Eikon + Datastream over the next few months. Click here to see the posts that touch on this resource so far.

-- MarkB
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian

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