Highlights from our Sustainable Organization Library
Published by Mark BodnarI was just scanning a usage report on our Sustainable Organization Library. It's great to see that this valuable resource is being used so much!
For those who are new to the SOL, I thought I'd list a small sample of the online books, reports, and journals that were downloaded most often from it this spring -- just to give you a taste of the range of content available for your research enjoyment...
- Outsmart Waste: The Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think Our Way Out of It
- New Social Movements, Class, and the Environment: A Case Study of Greenpeace Canada
- Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles: Values, Design, Production and Consumption
- From Walmart to Al Qaeda: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Globalization
- The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons
- CSR for HR: A Necessary Partnership for Advancing Responsible Business Practice
- The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management: Principles and Practice
- The Corporate Responsibility Code Book: Third Edition
As you can probably tell, the Sustainable Organization Library is an online collection of resources focused on sustainability, CSR, corporate governance, ethics, environmental policy and management -- hot topics in many disciplines. Check it out when you get a chance!
Oh -- and when you graduate, the SOL will still be accessible from your home: our license for this collection allows for alumni access from off campus.
Questions? Send them my way!
-- MarkB
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian