Happy Financial Literacy Month! Let's celebrate... frugally!
Today marks the beginning of Financial Literacy Month, a holiday that is, admittedly, not quite as exciting as the ones that involve getting candy, chocolate, presents, or even painted eggs, yet one that can provide an even bigger gift in the future if you celebrate it properly.
From the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada:
This year’s FLM theme “Managing money and debt wisely: It pays to know!” promotes the idea that different stages of life demand different sets of financial literacy skills, and managing money and debt will help in making responsible financial decisions.
Throughout the month, FCAC will feature weekly subthemes that bring attention to the benefits of basic money management practices and encourage Canadians to reduce debt and save for the future. They are:
- Week 1 (November 1-5) - Start with a budget
- Week 2 (November 6-12) - Live within your means
- Week 3 (November 13-19) - Know your rights and responsibilities
- Week 4 (November 20-26) - Have a savings plan
- Week 5 (November 27-30) - Review your finances
And to assist you in reaching these goals, visit the SFU Library's Personal Finance and Financial Literacy Resources guide for tips on finding websites, books, ebooks, and articles that will help you get lots of chocolate and presents be financially secure. :-)
As always, if you have questions, we have information.
-- MarkB
Mark Bodnar
Economics & Business Librarian