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SFU researchers to benefit from two new transformative agreements with Canadian Science Publishing and Wiley

Published by Alison Moore

This blog post was written by Ioana Liuta, SFU Digital Scholarship Librarian.

SFU Library is pleased to announce the launch of 2 new transformative open access agreements with scholarly publishers. Through our membership in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), SFU has recently signed agreements with Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) and Wiley. 

Transformative agreements are ‘transforming’ the subscription system and enabling an open access paradigm, by bringing the reading access (of subscription-based journals) and open access publishing under one agreement, as a transition mechanism of scholarly journal publishing to open access. Due to the transformative agreements, SFU researchers are able to ‘read and publish’ without fees; the fees for open access publishing are covered under the agreements. In addition to offering a new way to publish open access to SFU authors, transformative agreements also help authors to comply with SFU Open Access Policy and the Tri-Agencies policies.

These are small steps toward a more open scholarly ecosystem, and relief on costs for SFU authors who want to publish their research open access.

Gwen Bird, University Librarian & Dean of Libraries

Canadian Science Publishing transformative agreement

SFU is part of a new transformative agreement with Canadian Science Publishing (CSP). As of January 1, 2023, corresponding SFU authors are able to publish an unlimited number of their articles as open access in five select CSP journals, at no charge: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Canadian Journal of Physics, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Genome, and Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. SFU authors are also eligible to receive a 25% discount on the article processing charges (APCs) for all CSP hybrid journals. Once an eligible article is identified via the author’s SFU affiliation, the discount, either 100% or 25%, will automatically be applied.

Wiley transformative agreement

SFU also joined a transformative agreement with Wiley. As of January 16, 2023, SFU corresponding authors are able to publish an unlimited number of their accepted articles as open access in all Wiley’s hybrid journals for the duration of the agreement (2023-2024). No article processing charges (APC) fees will be charged for open access publication for SFU authors publishing in Wiley hybrid journals. Wiley publishes more than 1,300 hybrid journals across a range of disciplines. 

Articles accepted for publication in Wiley’s gold journals are not eligible under this agreement. There is a 20% discount with Wiley, under a different membership agreement, which applies to Wiley gold open access journals.

Further information

For questions or comments related to SFU transformative agreements, please email Ioana Liuta, Digital Scholarship Librarian in Research Commons, at

To view all publisher agreements and discounts available through the SFU Library, visit the Open access publisher agreements and discounts page.

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