Sample language for requesting open access publishing funds from your grant

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The Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications requires that all peer-reviewed journal publications resulting from funding by the Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) must be freely available online within 12 months of publication. As part of this requirement, article processing charges for open access publishing became an allowable expense in grant proposals.  

Estimating the amount needed for Article Processing Charges

Although a researcher will not know the exact number or cost of publication charges for the research at the time of the proposal, we recommend including an estimated cost to ensure adequate funding to meet your publishing goals and funder open access requirements. 

Research a few open access journals where you may consider publishing your work. On the publisher's website, look for information on Article Processing Charges. Often the publisher will provide a list of costs associated with individual journals.

If you have questions about the open access costs or options for your preferred journals, contact your liaison librarian or for guidance.

We suggest using the sample language below to request funds for open access publishing in your grant proposal.

Sample language for grant proposals

In accordance with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy, peer-reviewed journal publications resulting from this grant will be made openly accessible within 12 months of publication.  I will comply with this policy by self-archiving in an institutional or discipline repository where possible.  However, some journals will require payment of an article processing charge (APC) to make an article freely available. 

I anticipate publishing #-# peer-reviewed journal articles based on the research conducted under this grant.  Sample journals in my field that are possible venues for publication include: xxxxxxxxx.  Current article processing charges for these journals range in cost from $xxxx-$xxxx.  Therefore, I am requesting $xxxxx in funding to cover anticipated APC costs for peer-reviewed journal articles resulting from this grant.