Finding journal articles: Catalogue search guide

Using the Library Catalogue

You can use the SFU Library Catalogue to find articles, books films, government documents, journals, newspapers, maps, and other media in the Library's collection.

To search for articles in the Library Catalogue, you can:

  • Use Basic search, and limit your results to articles (if necessary), or
  • Limit your search from the start using Advanced search

NOTE: You can NOT use Browse search to find articles.

Find articles using Basic search

Whether you are searching by keywords, author, title, or subject -- or some combination -- start by typing what you are looking for into the Catalogue search box

Basic search for artificial intelligence

Limit, refine, and sort your results

Your results will include resources in many formats, not just articles. To manage your results, use the options to refinelimit or sort:

  • on a larger screen (desktop or tablet), use the options on the left side of your screen
  • on a small screen (phone), look for the filter icon.

To see only articles, you can limit to articles under Resource Type.  You can also limit to online access and peer-reviewed.

    Selecting filters for online access, peer-reviewed and articles.

    You can also sort your results.

    Sort by filter

    Click on the arrow to view the Sort by options which includes Relevance, Newest, Oldest, Author or Title.

    Sort by options include by relevance, newest, oldest, author and title

    Find articles using Advanced search

    Advanced Search allows you to combine different search functions and limiters at the same time, for example:

    • the first word(s) of a title, plus resource type (e.g. articles)
    • keyword, author, and publication date
    • title and author
    • author and language

    advanced search for artificial intelligence articles and hawking

    Once you have your search results, you can further refine or limit them to just the types of materials you want.

    To switch between Advanced and Basic search, click on the option you want at the top of your screen (desktop or tablet), or look for an "adjust"-type icon (phone).

    Find your article by its citation (Citation Finder)

    If you already have a citation for an article, (or chapter, book, video, or some other type of Library material), you can use the Citation Finder to find it quickly.

    If the SFU Library doesn't own the item, you can request an Interlibrary Loan.

    Find specific journals or journals on a topic

    There are several ways to find journals (rather than searching for articles):

    Use the Basic or Advanced Catalogue search (for titles, subject, or other terms)

    You can search for your journal using either a Basic or Advanced Catalogue search, and limit your results to the Resource Type=Journals. Click on "Show more" to see the complete list of resource types to find the one you want to choose.

    Use this technique when you have a journal title, or for subjects, keywords, or other search terms.

    Show more options under the resource type filter

    Journals selected among list of resource type filters

    Check the A-Z journals list

    If you have a journal title, you can also check the Catalogue's journal list. Look for A-Z journals at the top of the Catalogue screen.

    Journals AZ search option

    Select it, and you will be prompted for a title or ISSN, or you can browse by letter. 

    NOTE: Not all journals available through the Library are included in the A-Z journals list. If you don't find the journal you are looking for, try using either the Basic or Advanced Catalogue search.

    Questions and help

    For more help, ask a Librarian.