Regular hours: Monday 1 - 5 pm; Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 5pm; Fridays 1-5 pm; closed on holidays.
The following is a list of articles and websites that discuss maker-based projects, both physical and digital, organized by subject. This is not a comprehensive list of resources, but one meant to serve as an introduction to how different disciplines and areas of study use making as a tool for research or study.
Selected maker resources organized by subject
- 3-D Printing Gets Ahead: Anthropologists Use Printing Technology to Model Fossils (Scientific American, 2011)
- Virtual Anthropology and its Application in Cultural Heritage Studies (Studies in Conservation, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- Unreal Archaeology - How The Ancient World Is Being Recreated In Virtual Reality (Forbes, 2019)
- Virtual Reality Game Redefines Archaeology Education (Ancient Origins, 2020)
- A Virtual Reality Platform for Analyzing Remote Archaeological Sites (Interacting with Computers, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology (Proceedings of the ICA, 2019)
- 3D Printing: Uses in Arts (U of Massachusetts, 2015)
- 14 Ways 3D Printing Has Changed The Art World (Huffington Post, 2015)
- AR & VR Technology (Lawrence University Makerspace, 2018)
Biological Sciences
- 3D Printed Smartphone Microscopy (Lawrence University Makerspace, 2018)
- 3D Printing of Biomolecular Models for Research and Pedagogy (Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017)
- Building an entrepreneurial and innovative culture in a university makerspace (ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017)
- Corporate makerspaces as innovation driver in companies: a literature review-based framework (Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2017 -- SFU login required)
- Entrepreneurship Research, Makers, and the Maker Movement (Academy of Management Journal, 2017)
- The Relevance of Makerspaces for University-based Venture Development Organizations (Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2020)
- 3D Printed Molecules and Extended Solid Models for Teaching Symmetry and Point Groups (Journal of Chemical Education, 2014)
- A Simplified Method for the 3D Printing of Molecular Models for Chemical Education (Journal of Chemical Education, 2018)
- Creating 3D physical models to probe student understanding of macromolecular structure (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2017)
- Immersive Audio Storytelling: Podcasting and Serial Documentary in the Digital Publishing Industry (Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- People recall information better through virtual reality (Science Daily, 2018)
- Virtual Reality’s potential in storytelling (Journalism & Society, London School of Economics, 2017)
Creative Technologies in Digital Journalism
- Disrupting the narrative: immersive journalism in virtual reality (Journal of Media Practice, 2017 -- SFU login required)
- How virtual reality could change the journalism industry (PBS News Hour, 2018)
- The Nuts and Bolts of Maker Spaces in Journalism Schools (Mediashift, 2014)
- Virtual Reality, 360° Video, and Journalism Studies: Conceptual Approaches to Immersive Technologies (Journalism Studies, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- The Next Generation of Crime Tools and Challenges: 3D Printing (National Institute of Justice Journal, 2017)
- The Virtual Reality Scenario Method: Moving from Imagination to Immersion in Criminal Decision-making Research (Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 2019) - Using virtual reality in criminological research (Crime Science, 2014)
- Dance performance and virtual reality: an investigation of current practice and a suggested tool for analysis (International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 2018 --SFU login required)
- Through You—How a New VR Project Dances with Intimacy (Sundance Institute, 2016)
Earth Sciences
- Effects of changes in rock microstructures on permeability: 3‐D printing investigation (American Geophysical Union, 2016)
- Geologists develop app to print 3-D terrain models of any place on Earth (ScienceDaily, 2017))
- Harnessing the power of immersive virtual reality - visualization and analysis of 3D earth science data sets (Geo-spatial Information Science, 2019)
- Virtual reality experiments in economics (Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2017 -- SFU login required)
- Bringing maker practices to school: tracing discursive and materially mediated aspects of student teams’ collaborative making processes (International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning, 2020 -- SFU login required)
- Makerspace and Reflective Practice: Advancing Pre-service Teachers in STEM Education (Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2017)
- Makerspace Classrooms: Where Technology Intersects With Problem, Project, and Place-Based Design in Classroom Curriculum (International journal of designs for learning, 2016)
- The Maker Movement in Education (Harvard Educational Review, 2014)
- Meaningful Making (What Works? Research into Practice, 2017)
- 3-D Printed Poetry (Aaron Tucker, artist website, 2017)
- Object Lessons: 3D Printing and Inter-professional Collaboration Between the Library and the Literature Classroom (Journal of New Librarianship, 2017)
- Using a Makerspace for English and Humanities Instruction (for High School) (Edutopia, 2019)
English Language and Culture
- How Maker Education Supports English Languages Learners in STEM (Getting Smart, 2018)
- Makerspaces: Building English Language Skills (ESL Blogs, Learn Quebec, 2017)
- Making English Speakers: Makerspaces as Constructivist Language Environments (Mextesol Journal, 2018)
Environmental Sciences
- 3D Data Portal of Plant Tissues (Brodersen Lab, Yale University, 2020)
- 3D Printing and Ecology: Utilizing Additive Manufacturing to Save a Federally-threatened Native Plant Species (Lawrence University Makerspace, 2020)
- Immersive Virtual Reality Field Trips Facilitate Learning About Climate Change (Frontieres in Psychology, 2018)
- Virtual reality could serve as powerful environmental education tool (EurekAlert, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2018)
- 3D Printed Geographies – Techniques and Examples (GIS2 @ Ryerson, 2016)
- 3D Printing Terrain Models (North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics, 2015)
- Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) with ArcGIS (GeoNet Esri Community, 2019)
Health Care
- A Revolution in Access to Healthcare: DIY Labs and Makerspaces (The Medical Futurist, 2018)
- 3D-Printed Bones are Helping Doctors Prepare for Surgeries (Patient Care, 2018)
- The application of 3D printing in anatomy education (Medical Education Online, 2015)
- The use of virtual reality for public health education with reference to Syrian refugee camps (Proceedings of the Virtual and Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Conference, 2018)
- Unleashing the Power of Nurse Innovators (Journal of Nursing Administration, 2019)
- Creating Mobile Augmented Reality Experiences in Unity (The Programming Historian, 2018)
- How 3D Printing Helps Reconstruct Historical Artifacts (3E Rapid Prototyping, 2020)
- Kits for Cultural History (Hyperhiz, 2015)
- Learning to Use 3D Printers for the Digital Humanities (Scolars' Lab, University of Virginia, 2015)
- Making (in) History: Learning by Reinvention (for High School) (Edutopia, 2015)
- Re-creating Ancient Artifacts with the Stratasys J750 (Proto3000, 2019)
- Replication, Visualization & Tactility: Towards a Deeper Involvement of 3D Printing in Humanities Scholarship and Research (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Conference, 2017)
- Ten Smithsonian Artifacts You Can 3-D Print (Smithsonian Magazine, 2019)
Indigenous Studies
- Guitars and Makerspace: Examining the Experience of First Nations Students (Canadian journal of learning and technology, 2018)
- Indigenous Making and Sharing: Claywork in an Indigenous STEAM Program (Equity & excellence in education, 2018 -- SFU login required)
- Indigenous Worldviews Inspires THIS classroom MAKERSPACE (Pipedreams, 2016)
- Makerspaces and Indigenous Learning (Medium, 2017)
- Storywork in STEM-Art: Making, Materiality and Robotics within Everyday Acts of Indigenous Presence and Resurgence (Cognition and instruction, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- 3D printing for mathematical visualization (The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2015)
- 3D printing mathematics (Plus Magazine, 2013)
- Illustrating Mathematics Using 3D Printers (Mathematics, 2013)
- Audio-first VR: New perspectives on musical experiences in virtual environments (Journal of New Music Research, 2020 -- SFU login required)
- Digitized Maya music: The creation of a 3D database of Maya musical artifacts (Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2017 -- SFU login required)
- What philosophers say about the inevitability of VR (Slate, 2017)
- Why Is Virtual Reality Interesting for Philosophers? (Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2018)
Physical Geography
- Applications of 3D Printing in Physical Geography Education and Urban Visualization (Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 2019)
- 3D Printing with LiDAR Data (Vermont Center for Geographic Information, 2018)
- Rapid Prototyping and 3‐D Printing of Experimental Equipment in Soil Science Research (Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2012 -- SFU login required)
- Into the Manifold: An Exploration of 3D Printed n=6 and n=7 Dimensional Calabi-Yau Manifolds (Lawrence University Makerspace, 2019)
Political Science
- Pol-Casting: The Use of Podcasting in the Teaching and Learning of Politics and International Relations (European Political Science, 2010)
- Virtual reality project gauges citizens' faith in law enforcement in the face of gang violence (, American Institute of Physics, 2019)
- Studying the human brain using 3D printing technology (Biomaterials, 2016)
- Virtual reality check: Statistical power, reported results, and the validity of research on the psychology of virtual reality and immersive environments (Computers in Human Behavior, 2019 -- SFU login required)
- Virtual Reality in Psychology: Therapy and Research (Sciforce, 2019)
- Towards a sociology of 3D printing (The Sociological Life, 2014)
- Virtual reality perspective-taking increases cognitive empathy for specific others (PLOS One, 2018)
- 3D Printing Takes the Stage with Theatrical Scenic Design (, 2017)
- Sculpting Costumes with 3D Printers is 'the Way Theater Is Headed,' Theatre Arts Chair Says of Baylor's New Technology (Baylor University Media, 2014)
World Literature
- A Novel Approach to World Language Study (for High School) (Edutopia, 2020)
- Language Learning in Virtual Reality Environments: Past, Present, and Future (Educational Technology & Society, 2015 -- SFU login required)