Contact us: Media and Maker Commons

 Regular hours: Monday 1 - 5 pm; Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 5pm; Fridays 1-5 pm; closed on holidays.

Are you interesting in exploring the Media and Maker Commons?  Have questions about our tools and spaces?  Or just curious about what we have to offer or can help facilitate?  Feel free to reach out to us.  We would be happy to offer a tour, host a class visit, or help facilitate an assignment or project.

In person

We are located in room 3100 of W.A.C. Bennett Library, at the southeast corner of the main floor. 

Media and Maker commons location - 3rd floor Bennett library, Burnaby

The Bennett Library is located at 8888 University Drive on the Burnaby campus of SFU.  Campus map.


Contact Mikael Kriz, Makerspace Librarian, at