On this page
- Community Scholars Portal
- Featured resource: Policy Commons
- Research tips and strategies
- Try the Browser Access Bookmarklet for accessing Community Scholars materials outside the Portal
- Google Scholar Library link for CSP
- Tips on reading and evaluating academic papers
- What's available?
- Access problems? Tips for technical troubleshooting
Community Scholars Portal
Sign in to the Community Scholars Portal to search for and read thousands of articles and ebooks. See what's available!
Featured resource: Policy Commons
Search for and read thousands of "grey literature" publications (policy documents, white papers, and more).
Research tips and strategies
For assistance using the Portal, check out this tips and strategies sheet, contact your librarian, or watch the video below:
Try the Browser Access Bookmarklet for accessing Community Scholars materials outside the Portal
If you find articles/other resources using websites other than the Community Scholars Portal (e.g. Google Scholar, PubMed, or journal websites), you may come across sources that require you to pay for access. This bookmarklet routes your computer’s access through the Community Scholars Portal, ensuring that you have access to material available to Community Scholars.
Google Scholar Library link for CSP
Community Scholars can Google Scholar to locate and access CSP materials, using the "Library Links" integration in Google Scholar. Here's how to configure things:
- go to scholar.google.com
- click on the "three bars" menu at top left
- click on "Settings"
- click on Library links (still at top left)
- search for Community Scholars Portal in the search box
- check the check box
After that set-up, you'll be able to search in Google Scholar and access materials directly using the "Access for CSP" links you'll see on the right hand side. You still need to log in with your barcode and password, when prompted to do so.
Tips on reading and evaluating academic papers
This video provides some tips for getting the most out of the academic articles you find. Rather than reading the papers all the way through from beginning to end, consider focusing on the most important sections of the paper to help you read efficiently and effectively.
UBCiSchool. (2013, January 17). How to read an academic paper [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/SKxm2HF_-k0. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The five C's for evaluating a research paper
What's available?
Credentialed Community Scholars can access >20,000 titles: journals, ebooks, reference works, and grey literature in the following collections:
Collections available for Community Scholars
For assistance, contact Heather De Forest, , Community Scholars librarian.
Thank you to our publisher partners.

Access problems? Tips for technical troubleshooting
Clearing cookies in the Portal: If you are having trouble accessing full text when you use the Portal, you may have to clear your cookies. Watch a quick video to learn more: