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New Mathematics books
Journal articles
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Provides reviews and abstracts for books, articles and conference proceedings the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science and their applications in such fields as physics, engineering, biology, and operations research.
Web of Science
Multidisciplinary database covering the sciences; provides citation counts, journal impact factors, and more.
arXiv is a digital library of research articles and pre-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science, and quantitative biology.
Formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH, zbMATH is a comprehensive database focusing on pure and applied mathematics.
Independent and society math journals.
IsisCB Explore
A research tool for the history of science, whose core dataset comes from bibliographical citations in the Isis Bibliography of the History of Science. The IsisCB currently contains 40 years of citation data from 1974 to 2014.
Search articles by journal
Math journals by publisher:
- AMS (American Mathematical Society)
- CMS (Canadian Mathematical Society)
- Department of Mathematics Journal Collection
- INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
- MAA (Mathematical Association of America)
- SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
- Springer
- To browse all the math journals by Springer, select "Mathematics" under "Browse by discipline".
- University Press journals