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NAFTA renegotiations: Stress relief through research

Published by Mark Bodnar

simple line drawing of two people facing each other at a table with a dollar sign in the middle
I'm sure you've been following the news about the NAFTA discussions, right? 

As with most negotiations, these early stages are full of drama and posturing, so it can be hard to avoid getting emotional about the whole thing.  This may be a librarian thing, but when I'm stressed, I seek out more information. Here's a quick run through a few resources that might help...  <Read on for more!>

Beyond barcharts: Topline and outlook reports in Statista

Published by Mark Bodnar

Most of my posts about our Statista database have focused on the thousands of barcharts on topics ranging from airlines to zoos -- over 1.5 million such charts, in fact -- but I've given far less space to the other formats in which you can find Statista's information.

No more!  Today I'm going to highlight a couple of the more interesting ways that Statista packages their wealth of information: Outlook Reports and Toplists.     <Read on for details!>