On this page
Citation style guides
CSE style
- Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers [print]
- CSE quick citation guide
AMA / NLM / Vancouver style
- AMA manual of style: A guide for authors and editors
- AMA Citation Style Guide
- Citing Medicine: The NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers
- Vancouver style guide
APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, etc.
- Citation + Style Guides - SFU Library's guide to APA, MLA, and Chicago styles & more
Citation management tools
Citation or reference management tools collect your journal article, book, or other document citations together in one place, and help you create properly formatted bibliographies in almost any style — in seconds. Citation management tools help you keep track of your sources while you work and store your references for future use and reuse.
Writing and style guides
- Communicating science: a practical guide (online or print)
- From research to manuscript: a guide to scientific writing (online or print)
- How to write & publish a scientific paper (online or print)
- Science and technical writing: a manual of style (online or print)
- Writing for science (online or print)
- Doing science: design, analysis, and communication of scientific research (print)
- Getting published in the life sciences (print)
- Guide to publishing a scientific paper (print)
- Handbook of science communication (print)
- How to write and illustrate scientific papers (print)
- Making sense: a student's guide to research and writing: life sciences (print)
- Quantities, symbols, units, and abbreviations in the life sciences: a guide for authors and editors (print)
- Scientific papers and presentations (print)
- Writing and presenting scientific papers (print)
Open Access
- SFU Open Access Fund - SFU authors are eligible to use this fund to cover Article Processing Fees charged by Open Access publishers
- Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications - how the SFU Library can help you comply