Copyright Administration Committee Minutes - November 2023

November 27 2023, 3:00pm

Attended: Don Taylor (Chair), Jennifer Zerkee (Secretary), Marcel Da Silva, Kanthi Jayasundera, Joel Mills, Arlette Stewart, Nicole White

Regrets: none

  1. Welcome
  2. Additions to the agenda
    1. None
  3. Approval of the agenda
    1. Approved with no amendments
  4. Approval of the draft June 12 meeting minutes
    1. Approved with no amendments
  5. Copyright Office report
    1. SFU submission to the Government of Canada Consultation on Copyright in the Age of Generative AI
      1. Don explained the federal consultation process and the Copyright Office's work to contribute to SFU's submission, which will be made publicly available once it is submitted.
  6. Canvas Copyright Survey - proposed revisions to the survey process
    1. Don described the Copyright Office's planned updates to the survey.
  7. Business arising
    1. None
  8. Member updates
    1. Committee members provided copyright-related updates from their portfolios.
  9. New business
    1. Don asked Joel some logistical questions about the Bookstore's work related to the Copyright Clearance Fund.
  10. Next meeting
    1. Tentatively scheduled for March 18