Copyright Administration Committee Minutes - March 2023

March 13 2023, 1:00-2:00pm

Attended: Don Taylor (Chair), Jennifer Zerkee (Secretary), Nicole White, Kanthi Jayasundera, Joel Mills, Arlette Stewart, Marcel Da Silva

Regrets: None

  1. Welcome
  2. Additions to the agenda
    1. None
  3. Approval of the agenda
    1. Approved
  4. Approval of the draft November 21 meeting minutes
    1. Approved with no amendments
  5. Copyright Office report
    1. Tutoring website material removal trial (Don)
      1. Don provided an overview of this work and plans to streamline the process to request removal of instructors' material from tutoring websites. This service will be available to all SFU instructors; instructors can contact the Copyright Office for assistance if their teaching materials are posted to websites without their consent.
      2. Arlette described the Academic Integrity Office's work related to this issue.
  6. Academic integrity and copyright issues related to ChatGPT (Arlette)
    1. Arlette provided a summary of the conversation that is happening around ChatGPT at SFU, including various workshops she has been involved in. Academic Integrity now has syllabus statements available on the website addressing the use of technology. The committee discussed the need for education of students about issues related to the use of technology in coursework.
  7. Business arising
    1. The committee discussed item #7 from the November 2022 meeting and next steps on efforts to standardize the consent form used when photographing and recording events.
  8. Member updates
    1. CEE is hosting a Digital Learning Showcase on March 14 in Halpern Centre.
  9. New business
    1. None
  10. Next meeting
    1. Next meeting will likely be in June