Copyright Administration Committee Minutes - November 2022

November 21 2022, 2:00-3:00pm

Attended: Don Taylor (Chair), Jennifer Zerkee (Secretary), Joel Mills, Nicole White, Kanthi Jayasundera, Marcel Da Silva, Arlette Stewart

Regrets: None

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of the agenda
    1. Approved with no amendments.
  3. Member introductions
  4. Review the terms of reference: Advise the SFU Copyright Officer on how to ensure copyright support for the full range of SFU constituencies. Coordinate copyright education and training activities across SFU units. Ensure smooth operations with regard to compliance issues (SFU Policy R30.04 Copyright Administration and Compliance and appendices) across SFU. Advise on changes to website. Advise on systems to promote effective copyright related workflows across SFU.
  5. Copyright Office report
    1. Overview of Copyright Office role and activities (Don)
    2. Copyright Clearance Fund (Don)
      1. Don provided an overview of the Copyright Clearance Fund and answered questions from committee members.
    3. Legislative updates pertaining to copyright (Don; Jennifer)
      1. The term of copyright protection will be changing at the end of the year: the general term of protection will change from the life of the creator plus 50 years to the life of the creator plus 70 years.
      2. The federal government will be reviewing copyright soon, focusing on a few specific issues which may include some related to education.
  6. Rights in photographs taken by photographers contracted by SFU (Marcel, Communications and Marketing)
    1. The committee discussed current approaches by Communications and Marketing to contracts with external photographers, and efforts to standardize this across units, as well as options for centrally managing this administration.
  7. Consent forms used when taking photographs and recording events (Marcel)
    1. The committee discussed current approaches to consent forms for photo/video taken by SFU employees and whether these forms need updating, as well as the potential for increased coordination across SFU.
  8. Member updates
    1. No members had additional updates.
  9. New business
    1. No new business.
  10. Next meeting (Don)
    1. The committee's next meeting will be in the spring semester.