Piping Up: Library feedback

piping up library feedback blog

Your feedback and our replies.

Front-Line Customer Service

Published by Dipa Barua

Q. Some staff at the desk are very arrogant and rude. I hope these people know that most students are not trying to make their lives difficult.  I am not disparaging the work that you guys do, and I am very appreciative of how hard the job can be, but please show some flexibility in dealing with students.

Silent Study Area, 6th floor of Bennett is SILENT

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: People need to be reminded that the 6th floor of Bennett is SILENT. It's extremely irritating when people are crowded around one cubicle chatting away. If you want to chat, go somewhere else. I shouldn't have to consider putting in ear plugs on the silent floor.

A: We are sorry to hear that you were being disturbed by talking on the 6th floor of the library. In the future if this happens again please feel free to come to the circulation counter on the 3rd floor. A staff member will go to the floor and remind patrons that this is a silent study area.

Library hours during final session

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: Please can the library be opened 24 hours during the finals season? It is the only quiet and safe place to study on campus at 2am. I have tried studying in the rotunda but it is loud with people walking to get to residence from the bus loop and it is unbearably hot. The 24 hour service is provided during Fall and Spring and it feels the Summer students are being shortchanged. If it is not a feasible option maybe you could consider extended hours for the next two weeks. Thanks.