Piping Up: Library feedback

piping up library feedback blog

Your feedback and our replies.

Title search

Published by Dipa Barua

Q. I recognized an error in the title of this article which made it hard for me to track down.
"McIvor v Canada and the 2010 Amendments to the Indian Act: A Half-Hearted Rememdy to Historical Injustice"
****Remedy is spelled incorrectly, which leads the user to an error when selecting the article.

A. Thank you for letting us know.  We've contacted the publisher and asked them to correct the spelling error on their website.

Search Feature for Journals Frustration

Published by Dipa Barua

Q. I hate the new search feature for journals. It used to be so much easier to just look up electronic journals. Now I have to plough through all journals, get offered papers from the journal that I don't
want and have to know the exact name of the journal. This is much more time consuming that the old method which was excellent.

Incorrect Linking for Digital Articles

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: There was an article that I searched for today and I found that the library database has linked the wrong full text link for the article title that I was looking for.

The article is "Uncovering Facebook Photo Tagging Culture and Practices among Digital Natives" by Aqdas Malik, Amandeep Dhir, and Marko Nieminen; the full text link that comes up is for "Media Re-victimization of Rape Victims in a Shame Culture? Exploring the Framing and Representation of Rape Cases in Nigerian Dailies".