In order to ensure a pleasant and productive environment for study and research and to respect the rights of all members of the campus community, the Library asks that all end users and staff of SFU Library respect the following Code of Conduct and other relevant policies as established by SFU Library and by Simon Fraser University.
Appropriate behaviour in the Library means
- Treating all members of the library community with respect.
- Refraining from behaviour that may be interpreted as intimidating, disruptive or offensive to other users.
- Showing consideration for others studying or doing research by not talking or using cell phones except in designated areas.[1]
- Using library computing resources responsibly to support teaching, learning and research.[2] [3]
- Using library materials and equipment with care and respect and refraining from marking or damaging any library resources.
- Checking out library materials properly.[4]
- Consuming food and/or drink without disturbing others or damaging library materials, equipment or facilities, and respecting designated "no eating" areas.[5]
- Disposing of personal garbage or recycling in the appropriate containers.
- Using authorized areas of the Library only.
- Exiting the Library promptly at closing time and during emergency situations or drills.
- Adhering to guidelines regarding animals and pets.[6]
- Adhering to guidelines regarding use of motorized and non-motorized vehicles in SFU library spaces.[7]
Cited policies
[1]SFU Library Quiet Study Areas Policy
[2]SFU Library Public Computer Policy and Guest Log-in Terms and Conditions
[3]SFU Policy and Procedure on the Fair Use of Information Resources
[4]SFU Library Loan Policy
[5]SFU Library Food and Drink Policy
[6]Simon Fraser University Animal/Pet Policy (GP33)
[7]Use of motorized and non-motorized vehicles in SFU library spaces
Related University policies
Simon Fraser University Academic Integrity Policy (S10.01)
Simon Fraser University Student Conduct Policy (S10.05)
Simon Fraser University Code of Faculty Ethics and Responsibilities (A30.01).