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Use dictionaries to find information on titles, authors, characters, settings and quotations.
See all children's literature dictionaries or browse specific dictionaries:
- Dictionary of American children's fiction: 1859-1959 | 1960-1984 | 1985-1989 | 1990-1994 | 1995-1999
- Fifteen centuries of children's literature: an annotated chronology of British and American works in historical context
- Oxford dictionary of nursery rhymes
- Quotation index to children's literature
- Historical dictionary of children's literature
- Who's who in children's books
- The essential guide to children's books and their creators
Find encyclopedia articles in the Library Catalogue, filtering by resource type Reference Entries.
Or browse specific encyclopedias:
- Oxford encyclopedia of children's literature
- Continuum encyclopedia of children's literature
- Encyclopedia of children and childhood in history and society
- International companion encyclopedia of children's literature
- Cambridge guide to children's books in English
- The new republic of childhood: a critical guide to Canadian children's literature in English
- Oxford companion to children's literature
- Oxford companion to fairy tales: the Western fairy-tale tradition from Perrault to Pratchett
Search our biography databases:
- Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online
Profiles of past and present authors, historians, journalists, screenwriters, publishers, and playwrights. - Literature Criticism Online
Modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres. - Something about the author
Examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults.