Whether it's "insidious confusion," quackery, spin, disinformation, misinformation, or just a misunderstanding, there is a lot of false information out there.
Here are some strategies for identifying it.
How to spot fake news in eight simple steps
How To Spot Fake News from IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)How to spot fake news in eight simple steps (text version)
Consider the source
Click away from the story to learn more about the website, including its stated mission and contact information. For a picture, try a reverse image search to find out where it was originally used, and whether it has been altered.
Read beyond
Beware of outrageous headlines, statements in ALL CAPS, and sensational images designed to get clicks. Read the full story and then investigate further.
Check the author
Do a quick search on the author to find out if they are credible (or even a real person). What is the person's background? What qualifications do they have, and how are they related to the topic they are writing about?
Supporting sources?
Check to make sure the links support the story -- and are credible.
Check the date
Is this an old story?
Is it a joke?
If the image looks unbelievable or the news sounds too outrageous, it may be satire. Research the site and the author to check.
Check your biases
Consider whether your own beliefs might affect your judgement.
This video (4:35) features University of Washington professors Carl Bergstrom and Jevin D. West sharing three quick tips for spotting lies and misinformation. (From Grist, a nonprofit independent media organisation focussing on climate solutions, March 30 2021.)
Try a quiz
Think you can tell a legitimate story from a fake one just from the headline?
"'Whatever you might hear in the first couple of hours after a major news event, you should probably take it all with a grain of salt,' says Andy Carvin, senior strategist on NPR's [National Public Radio's] Digital Desk."
In the immediate aftermath, news outlets will get it wrong.
Don't trust anonymous sources.
Don't trust stories that cite another new outlet as the source of the information.
There's almost never a second shooter.
Pay attention to the language the media uses.
"We are getting reports"... could mean anything.
"We are seeking confirmation"... means they don't have it.
"[News outlet] has learned"... means it has a scoop or is going out on a limb.
Look for news outlets close to the incident.
Compare multiple sources.
Big news brings out the fakers. And photoshoppers.
Beware reflexive retweeting. Some of this is on you.
Further resources
Academic sources and strategies
For general strategies for evaluating sources, see our Evaluating resources guide, or use Library Search for more in-depth or course- and discipline-specific articles, books, etc. (try terms like "fake news" or "evaluating").
You can also take a for-credit course, taught by Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin West at the University of Washington, "because we are confident that together all of us can make better collective decisions if we know how to evaluate the information that comes our way." (From their FAQs.)
For strategies for researching academic topics, including evaluating resources in the various disciplines, check the subject-based research guides created by SFU subject specialist librarians.
The BBC (in the United Kingdom) covers current misinformation and false claims in international news in their weekly BBC Verify feature.
The BBC has also created a suite of resources and tools, Beyond Fake News, which includes coverage of recent fake news, and tips for verifying information, fighting fake news, and stopping the spread of misinformation.
Attribution: About the How to Spot Fake News infographic